Data Recovery 47 NYC – Best Hard Drive Data Recovery NYC Services New York City, NY

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How Much Does it Cost to Have Data Recovered from a Hard Drive?

Since hard drives are mechanical devices, they can fail. When they do, they can render all of your data inaccessible. While there are ways to recover data from a failed hard drive — such as using special software or taking the drive apart — these techniques require specialized knowledge and equipment. If you don’t want to risk damaging your hardware or losing any of your information, you may want to hire professional data recovery services.

Can a crashed hard drive be recovered?

If your hard drive has been damaged and cannot boot up properly, it likely means that your data is also corrupted or lost. The good news is that even if your hard drive cannot be booted up anymore, there are still ways in which we can recover your data from it safely without destroying any of its contents while we’re at it.

A crashed hard drive can be recovered through data recovery software or hardware tools such as the RAID system and professional data recovery services.

How much does it cost to have data recovered from a hard drive?

This is a question that many people ask when they suffer a hard drive failure. There are several variables involved when it comes to the cost of data recovery from a hard drive

Some of these variables include:

What kind of damage has been done? Is it just one hard drive or multiple? If multiple drives, did they all fail at the same time? Are they connected to the same computer, or are they external drives?

How much data do you need to be recovered? How much has been lost due to corruption or deletion? Can some files be recovered by using software tools? If not, how much more extensive will the recovery process be?

Where are your files stored? Will they have to be restored onto an entirely new computer, or will they be able to remain on their original host hardware?

If you have a simple mechanical failure such as a failed drive or bad sectors on the disk, then the price should be in the range of $100-$700, depending on the size of the drive and how badly damaged it is. If there is actual physical damage (i.e., liquid damage, broken platters), then we can recover your data for about $300-$1000, depending on how many files were affected by this damage. If your files have been encrypted by ransomware or other malware, recovery will take longer and cost more because we need to use special tools to get at the encrypted data inside your hard drive.

How long does it take for data recovery?

It depends on the nature of the problem, but generally speaking, it takes about 24 hours to recover data from a hard drive.

The time it takes to recover data depends on several factors:

  •     The type of data loss. If you’ve lost all your files, it will take longer than if you’ve just misplaced some files or have them damaged or corrupted.
  •     The size of the drive. Larger drives take longer than smaller ones because they contain more files and folders, which means more work for the recovery software.
  •     The speed of your computer’s processor. The faster your processor is), the quicker your job will be done.

How do I recover my hard drive?

Use file recovery software.

Many file recovery programs available online can help you retrieve lost files from a damaged hard drive. These programs search through the hard drive’s file system, looking for known file types such as documents, photos, and music files so they can be restored without relying solely on their contents being recognizable by name alone. 

Use a different computer to access the drive.

If you have another computer with an available USB port, you can use it to transfer your files from the failing drive to another location. This is often easiest if you’re using Windows. Just plug in the drive and copy all its contents into an external folder on your new computer’s desktop.

Use an external enclosure for secure data storage from your failed hard drive. Some external enclosures allow you to connect both 3.5-inch and 2.5-inch drives, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues. The enclosure should also have a mounting system for mounting directly into a PC chassis, making it easier for users who don’t have access to extra USB ports on their computers.

Use a professional data recovery service.

If your hard drive is experiencing problems, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. If you’re lucky enough to find the problem quickly (such as when your computer blue screens), then there is still hope for recovering your data. However, if you wait too long before contacting a professional recovery service, the chances of successfully recovering your files decrease dramatically.

A reputable data recovery service will have experience in recovering data from all kinds of devices and media formats — including CDs, DVDs, and USB flash drives — and they should be able to help you get back whatever information was stored on your hard drive.

Why choose our data recovery services?

We are a team of professional and experienced engineers who always keep an eye on the latest technologies and techniques. So we can offer you the most up-to-date solutions for your data loss problems. We also have many devices, including the most popular models of hard disk drives, which allow us to work with almost any device.

We have a complete infrastructure that allows us to work efficiently, quickly, and effectively. Our staff includes specialists in various fields: software development, hardware repair, data recovery, etc. In addition, we have many high-quality pieces of equipment that allow us to quickly solve even complex problems with data loss on any media.



How To Properly Clean A Hard Drive to Avoid Data Loss

Hard drives are a common source of data loss. They’re used to store your files — music, movies, photos, and more — but they’re also prone to damage. When your computer crashes or you have a hard drive failure, it can be difficult to recover your data if you don’t have a backup.

If your hard drive is failing or if you need to clean up and defragment it before selling it, here are some basic steps for how to properly clean a hard drive so that you can avoid data loss:

Common Hard Drive Problems

When a hard drive is not properly maintained, it can cause problems such as:

Hard drive failure

The most common problem is the failure of one or more components in the hard drive’s mechanical system. When this happens, it’s usually accompanied by clicking noises coming from inside the computer as well as other symptoms such as blue screens, freezes, or crashes.

Data loss

In addition to mechanical failures, there are also other types of data loss that can occur due to human error or malware attacks. If your personal files are deleted accidentally or maliciously by a virus or Trojan horse program, then you may need to use recovery software to get them back again.

Data corruption

Corrupted data can happen when there is a sudden power outage while the computer is writing information onto the hard drive or reading information from it. The main symptom here is that when you try to open certain files for editing in an application like Word or Excel, they might not open properly and could even contain errors in formatting and content.

Hard Drive Not Recognized by Computer

If your computer isn’t recognizing the hard drive in the BIOS or making noises when trying to boot up, it might be time for a new one! If this isn’t the case, try checking if all cables are connected correctly (if you’ve recently changed anything), make sure the jumper settings are correct (if applicable), check if there’s any dust buildup inside the computer case or on your motherboard, and check if any heat sinks are missing screws or bent/broken.


When your computer gets too hot, it can cause your hard drive to crash. If you’re going to be using your computer for long periods of time, make sure it has plenty of ventilation so it doesn’t overheat. If your computer has an internal fan or two, make sure they’re clean and working properly. If there are no internal fans in your machine and it’s starting to overheat, consider buying an external fan that you can place on top or underneath the laptop or desktop case (most laptops don’t have fans inside).

Tips on How to Clean a Hard Drive

1. Delete old files and documents. You don’t need to keep every document from the last five years, so go through your computer’s folders and delete anything you don’t need anymore. That could mean deleting old email messages or documents you no longer need.

2. Uninstall software you no longer use. If you’ve been using software for years but aren’t using it anymore, there’s probably no reason to keep it installed on your computer. Uninstall programs by going into their original installation location — typically in Program Files or Program Files (x86) — and deleting them from there.

3. Clear out temporary files and browser caches. Temporary files build up over time as you use your computer; they include temporary files created by Web browsers when browsing the Internet, as well as many other types of temporary files created by programs running on your PC that get stored in different locations on your hard drive rather than being deleted when they’re not needed anymore.

4. Scanning the entire system

This step involves scanning through all files present on your computer to check if they’re safe to delete or move from their current location. It’s best if you use an antivirus program because these programs scan for viruses and other harmful elements on your system that can cause damage if left unchecked for too long.

What are the signs of HDD failure?

Slow booting up time

If you have noticed that your laptop takes longer than usual to boot up, then this could be an indication that there is something wrong with your hard disk drive. This could be due to an unfinished file or a virus attack on your system. It is best to get in touch with a technician if this problem persists after rebooting several times.

Clicking sound

A clicking sound coming from the hard disk drive may mean that there is something wrong with its read/write head or arm connecting the disk platter with electronic components inside the device. In such cases, it is necessary to get in touch with a technician who can assess the problem and resolve it accordingly.


If your computer freezes or locks up frequently, this could be due to hardware failure. A hardware problem in your computer can cause random lockups and other issues. In other cases, however, the freezing may be caused by software issues or problems with your network connection.

Data Recovery New York City

The best way to clean a hard drive is to use a good drive eraser. This will completely erase all data from your hard drive, as well as the master boot record (MBR). The MBR is located at the beginning of your hard drive and is used by Windows to boot up your computer. When this file is erased, your computer will not be able to recognize that there is a hard drive in the system.

Cleaning your own hard drive can be dangerous and may not completely remove all data from your computer. If you want to ensure that your data is fully removed from your computer, take it to Manhattan data recovery professionals. Our technicians will get all of your data back for you quickly and safely!

How To Recover Data From Hard Drive Failure

Hard drive failure is a common problem with computers. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons that people have to send off their hard disk for repair or replacement. If you are unfortunate enough to experience a hard disk failure, don’t panic! You can recover your data and get back to work in no time. Here’s how:

Get in touch with experts in data recovery New York City

Hard drives are usually equipped with sensors that trigger an alert when they begin to fail. In some cases, the hard drive will even fail without any warning at all. If you suspect your hard drive is having issues, you’ll want to contact a professional hard drive recovery NYC company as soon as possible to get everything back on track.

The sooner you call, the better your chances are of recovering all the files from your hard drive completely intact and free of errors. Just like going to the doctor for any kind of physical ailment or injury, the most important thing is getting help early and not waiting around until it’s too late.

Before calling in reinforcements though, it is worth doing some preliminary research on data recovery New York City companies first. Every business will have its own set of limitations and requirements for how it handles things like shipping fees or insurance claims—some may even offer free quotes and consultations over the phone! It’s also important to research what kinds of data can be recovered depending on whether or not your drive was encrypted. Depending on what kind of files you need to be recovered, having certain information in advance can save both time and money down the line so make sure to do some extra digging before getting started with any potential services.

Remove the hard drive from your computer

If your computer is acting up, the last thing you want to do is watch it die and lose all of your files. If you’re lucky, the problem is just a software issue that can be solved by reinstalling the operating system. But what if the hard drive itself has gone bad? If so, it’s time to remove it from your computer and start working on recovering your data.

  • First, power down the computer using its power button. Not only will this prevent any additional damage should there be a shortage in the hardware or cables, but it ensures that all parts have stopped running and that pulling out wires won’t cause them to spring back.


  • Next, use a static-free wrist strap to avoid damaging memory chips when handling the hard drive. Static electricity can cause them to become corrupt or fail entirely—a significant risk when dealing with storage devices containing important information.


  • Remove both sides of your computer’s case (usually held with screws) and find where the hard drive is mounted within it (should be visible once you remove everything else). Use a small screwdriver to disconnect any mounting screws as well as any cables that connect it to other parts of your motherboard (including those for power). Then pull out the drive from its slot until you can grasp its sides; slide it completely out of its slot in order to safely remove it from inside your computer. The hard drive might still contain some residual data even after you’ve pulled it out—you’ll need specialized equipment for removing this data fully before disposing of or repurposing the device itself—but at least now you have one less piece of hardware taking up space in your home!

Connect your drive externally to a laptop or desktop.

Recovering data when a hard drive crashes is no small feat, but it’s not an impossible one. To recover lost data from a hard drive that has failed, you’ll need to connect the drive to your computer via a USB cable. The first thing to do is find somewhere to do this that’s free of dust and dirt. Next, put on a wristband covered in plastic or tape; they help prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD) from damaging sensitive electronics. Finally, open up the computer case and remove the hard drive using the appropriate tools. Once it’s out of the case, you can connect it externally via USB and begin recovering your files.

You’ll want to check file explorer on your computer for any folders that are present on the external hard drive—this will allow you to copy them back onto your working computer without losing anything during the transfer process.

Keep your drive powered down and carry it directly to the Manhattan data recovery experts.

  • Don’t power down the drive. Powering down the hard drive will result in a loss of data if there is any chance your hard drive has failed.
  • The longer it’s powered off, the more likely you are to lose your data
  • The sooner you get it to the experts, the better
  • Pack it up carefully. Your broken hard drive is just like any other fragile item; treat it as such. Use plenty of padding and cushioning materials in a box or envelope to keep it safe on its journey to and from your hands.

When shipping your device, make sure that you include all possible information about its condition and what happened before you sent it off for repair. This includes logs from programs that may provide additional clues about why data loss took place, photos of cables and connections on drives, etc.

What the data recovery experts will do.

When a hard drive is damaged or begins to fail, the primary goal is to recover as much data as possible. In most cases, this means attempting to create a disk image: a one-to-one copy of the drive that can be used to restore files without altering the original disk. Disk imaging is also used extensively in digital forensics and other cybersecurity tools. Here’s how it works:

When you create the disk image, the forensic lab technician will use software (a disk imaging program) to take a snapshot of your computer’s hard drive and store it on another device entirely (such as an external hard drive). This creates an exact “clone” of your old computer -a replacement for it– so you’re able to gain access to all your data after replacing your old computer with a new one.

Take action and get a quote before the data on your hard drive is lost forever!

If your computer fails to boot because a hard drive has failed, the most important step is to stop using it as soon as possible. Continuing to use a hard drive can result in further damage and corruption of already-failed storage. Manhattan data recovery experts can perform a full evaluation of your hard drive to determine whether they can safely recover the data you need. Some companies will give free evaluations and quote prices based on the amount of data that needs to be recovered. Be sure to ask your hard drive recovery NYC professional if they are able to recover all file types. For example, if you used an external hard drive for business documents or photos, those files might not be compatible with standard PDF viewers and image editors, so it’s important that the specialists you hire are able to provide recovered files in formats that are easy for other people to view and use without losing any of their original quality.

Data Recovery: Tips on How to Avoid Data Loss

Computer data is valuable. With the ever-growing amount of data we generate and store, making sure that it remains safe and secure is a challenge for modern technology users. When a computer crashes or file system gets corrupted, your data is at risk. For this reason, it’s important to have regular data backup and data recovery procedures. If you have a running, stable, and well-maintained computer system, you may never need to use a backup. However, if something goes wrong, you’ll be glad that you have a plan in place. Data backup and data recovery are necessary procedures that every computer user should know about. This article provides with some helpful data recovery tips.

Backup your data

Backups are the ultimate solution to prevent data loss. If you back up your data regularly, you can recover your data even if the device is broken or accidentally destroyed. There are lots of backup solutions available in the market today. Some are free, while others are paid. You need to pick a reliable backup solution that is right for you. Windows has built-in backup capabilities, while Mac users can use Time Machine. There are also paid third-party solutions that automatically let you backup your data. You can also manually backup your important files regularly. It is important to note that backing up does not save the data for posterity. It simply copies it from one location to another. It would help if you found a way to protect your information physically. Please keep it in a safe at home or the office.

Regularly perform a backup.

Backing up your data is the first step to preventing data loss, but it is not enough. You need to back up your information regularly. You can set up a schedule to ensure that your data is automatically saved. However, you should back up your data daily or whenever something unexpected happens. There are lots of ways data loss can occur. It is best to be prepared for any of them.

Accidental deletion. This is the most common way data is lost. Files are accidentally deleted because they are removed from the computer or due to system crashes.

Formatting. Another way data is lost by formatting the device. This happens when you accidentally delete a partition on the device or delete something important because of space issues.

Don’t save important files in the cloud.

Cloud storage solutions automatically save data for you. However, if you keep important files in the cloud, you need to be careful. Make sure you back up the files first. Otherwise, if the cloud server fails and the files are lost, you will have no way to get them back. You should also remember that cloud storage solutions are susceptible to viruses and malware attacks, just like the computer. A virus can corrupt the data saved in the cloud, and if you don’t have a backup, you will lose the data.

There are many cloud storage solutions available. Some are free, while others are paid. You need to pick a reliable cloud storage service that is right for you. Here are some solutions you may want to look into: Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, iCloud, Amazon Cloud Drive, and hundreds more.

Use of External Hard Drive Data Recovery

An external hard drive may not be as portable as a smartphone or a tablet, but it is a better way to store large amounts of data. It is also a more secure way to store data than in the cloud. Your external hard drive should be connected to the computer only when using it. It would help if you didn’t keep it connected to the computer all the time to avoid additional power drain. An external hard drive recovery can also be formatted to hold a lot of data. However, make sure you back up the data first.

Use multiple backups

It would help if you had multiple backups of your data. Having at least two backups will ensure that you still have another copy if one backup gets damaged or lost. It is also a good idea to have an extra backup if one of the backups gets damaged or destroyed. You can also have your backups secured in a safe at home or the office to protect against data loss.

Protect your mobile devices

Protecting your mobile devices is essential to keeping your data safe. Make sure you don’t save important data on your mobile devices. Always have a backup of the data on your mobile device so in case the device is damaged or lost, you have a copy of the data. It is also good to get a screen lock for your mobile device. A screen lock makes it more difficult for others to access your data without your permission.


The digital world we live in today is full of information. This information is stored in various computers, laptops, smartphones, cameras, and tablets. The data stored in such devices can be accidentally deleted or formatted. This poses a risk to the data if the device is lost or stolen or if the information is not backed up. To protect your data against such threats, you need to know how to prevent data loss. There are different methods you can adopt to avoid data loss. However, these methods are only effective if you know how to prevent data loss. Data loss is a common occurrence that can happen by chance. However, there are ways you can reduce the likelihood of data loss. Back up your data regularly, perform a backup, don’t save important files in the cloud, use multiple backups, protect your mobile devices, and you will avoid data loss and maintain your data for years to come.



Reasons Why You Need Data Recovery Services

We all know that data is valuable and irreplaceable. A lot of people don’t take the time to make backups because they feel it’s too difficult or time-consuming. But, when you’re hit with a sudden hard drive failure, it can be devastating! You need to make sure you have a backup plan in place, and it should involve data recovery services.

Sometimes your hard drive will just randomly crash for no apparent reason. Sometimes you might delete something by accident and not realize how important it was until later on. It happens to everyone, so here are ten reasons why data recovery services are worth the investment.

The Value of Data

Data is valuable, and it’s important to keep it safe. You might not realize how much you rely on your computer and the data stored on it until you need a backup plan or file recovery service.

When your hard drive crashes, everything from your family photos to your professional documents can be lost forever.  It’s like losing an object that carries a lot of sentimental value: you’ll feel devastated for months! That’s why investing in a data recovery service is worth the investment. Whether you accidentally deleted a document or your hard drive simply crashed, there are professionals who can get all of that precious data back for you–at least in some cases.

If you don’t have any backups of your data, then these professionals are doing you a favor by saving all of those memories that would have been lost otherwise.

What to do When Your Hard Drive Crashes?

Your hard drive crashes and you lose all your data. Now what? What do you do when your hard drive crashes? If your computer is one of those that came with a backup, you’re in luck. If not, then you need to use data recovery services. There are many different ways that your data can get lost or deleted, but the main way is through a hard drive crash.

If your hard drive crashed for some unknown reason, it might be due to a virus or malware attack on your computer. In other cases, it could be because of hardware failure. Whatever the case may be, you need to make sure that you have a backup plan in place before anything happens to your computer.

Why you need data recovery services?


If your hard drive crashes, you might panic and not know what to do. It’s important that you take a deep breath and don’t let your emotions get the best of you. In the event your hard drive crashes and is unrecoverable, data recovery services can help you recover all of your lost data– fast! A lot of people believe that if their hard drive crashes, then it’s gone for good. But that’s not always the case! Data recovery services aren’t going to be able to work miracles, but they will do everything they can to retrieve any information on your hard drive. The sooner you call them after the crash, the better their chances are of retrieving some data from your hard drive.


Data Recovery Services are Accurate. Data recovery services provide a no-cost consultation to help you determine if your hard drive can be salvaged. This service is 100% accurate and will tell you, for sure, whether or not your data can be retrieved.

If you don’t get in touch with a data recovery service right away, it might already be too late. Your hard drive could have been formatted and new files could have been saved on the hard drive. At this point, there’s nothing that can be done.

But, never fear! If you call in a professional data recovery service they will take the time to analyze your hard drive and assess what might still be retrievable.


You never know when your hard drive will fail. That’s why you need to be prepared. You never know when you might delete something important without realizing it.

Digital data isn’t as durable as some people might think. It can deteriorate in a matter of years, even if it is just sitting on your hard drive. But, if you contract with a data recovery company, they will make sure all the data from your hard drive is safe and sound – no matter what happens to it in the future.


We’ve all experienced the pain of a hard drive crash. It can be really frustrating, especially when you realize that your most important files were deleted. You might not have been able to save those files if they were on a desktop computer. But, with data recovery services, you don’t need to worry. Data recovery services will retrieve lost and deleted files whenever possible. This is such an important service because it saves people time and energy when their hard drives are corrupted or deleted by mistake.

Storage Capacity

People don’t realize how little storage space they have on their hard drives. When you store a file, it takes up space. For example, if you have a 64GB flash drive and need to save a 3-minute video, it will take up about 17.5GB of data. If you save 5 photos that are 1MB in size each, that is another 5MB of data.

If your hard drive crashes, all the space will be filled up and there won’t be any room for anything new to be saved. Data recovery services can recover what’s left and free up your hard drive.


You never know when you’re going to lose your data. When it does happen, the last thing you want to do is deal with the hassle of finding a repair shop for your hard drive. You can avoid all of that with data recovery services, which will have someone come to your home or business and retrieve your data within an hour.


Data recovery services are flexible. If you have an office that has a lot of employees and equipment, you can have the data recovery service come to your business and work on it there. It’s a lot less disruptive for your company than if you had to wait for them to come to your home.

In-house Repair/Troubleshooting

If you have a data recovery service and need to access your hard drive for any reason, you can send it in for repair. They will take care of any damage and recover the data for you. The downside is that it might take time to get your hard drive back, depending on how busy they are. Sometimes, hardware repairs are more difficult than software repairs. But if you do need in-house repair, the fee will depend on the complexity of the issue.

Manhattan Data Recovery

When your hard drive fails, it can be extremely frustrating and stressful. Data on a hard drive is precious to most people, and losing it can mean losing access to irreplaceable personal photos and videos or important documents. You may not know what to do when you lose access to your data, but you don’t have to panic. The team at Manhattan Data Recovery provides data recovery services in New York City that will recover your data fast, so you can get back to using your computer or other devices as soon as possible.

How to Recover Data from a Corrupted or Crashed Hard Drive?

Data is a valuable resource that you cannot afford to lose. It’s essential always to back up your data, but recovering the lost data becomes tricky when you have a hard drive crash or corruption. In this article, we take a look at some of the ways you can recover your data from a crashed hard drive.

What causes crashed hard drive?

Hard drives are complicated pieces of equipment, and they can fail in several ways. If you’ve been noticing some problems with your hard drive lately or have just lost data from the drive, it’s essential to understand how this can happen. You can prevent crashes, but you need to know what causes them.

Physical damage: Physically damaged hard drives are one of the most common causes of crashes. You may accidentally drop your computer or spill something on it. In either case, it would be wise to get the data off of your drive as soon as possible. Another way physical damage can cause a crash is if your hard drive gets too hot. The heat generated from the device will cause it to deteriorate faster than usual.

Heat damage: Another common reason hard drives have been known to crash is that they have gotten too hot and then cool down. Once this happens, the device will not function properly. This can be prevented by keeping your computer in an appropriately ventilated area so that heat does not build up in the device and cause it to malfunction.

Power surges/flickers:Power surges and flickers can cause problems with your computer if they’re so strong that they damage the internal components of your computer, including the hard disk drive. You will know if this is the case, as your computer will power up but crash almost immediately. Sometimes you might hear a buzzing sound after a power surge or flicker before your computer crashing. This noise can be generated if there’s a loose connection in your computer’s power supply or on its motherboard. If this happens, you’ll need to open up your laptop, reseat the connections at either end of the power supply, and make sure everything is connected correctly.

If your computer is consistently crashing while you’re trying to complete a particular task, then it’s usually because of one of two reasons:

1) You don’t have enough memory installed on your computer. The more applications you open, the more memory they take up and the more difficult it becomes for your laptop to switch between them quickly enough. If you’re running too many programs on your computer at once and each of them is taking up too much memory, then this could be causing your hard drive to crash.

 2) You have a corrupted program installed on your computer. This could be a virus or spyware or corrupt files that are being run by a program you have installed. If this is the case, then you should contact the software company that created the program and ask them if they know how to fix this problem.

 If your computer continues to crash after you make these changes, then you should call a professional computer repair service to come and take a look at it.

Can you fix a crashed hard drive?

It’s important to know when you can fix a crashed hard drive and when you should get a new one. If the crash is due to overheating, your computer might be too old. In this case, it’s best to get a new computer. If the impact is not expected to overheat, then there are some tricks you can try.

 There are two main fixes for corrupted or crashed hard drives: recover the data from software or recover the data from the hardware. The first option is much easier and takes up less space than retrieving the data from the hardware. 

The second option is more complex and takes more space but provides more opportunities for recovery.

How much does it cost to recover data from a dead hard drive?

The answer, of course, is “it depends.” There are a lot of variables that go into the cost of data recovery, and most of them are dependent on whether or not you have recently made any modifications to the drive that may have caused the damage in the first place.

Since every case is unique, there is no set formula for figuring out how much a data recovery service can charge you. However, several factors determine the cost of data recovery. These include:

Drive Size and Type

The size and type of your drive will be one of the most significant factors in determining how much it will cost to recover your files. The more information you have stored on your hard drive, the more difficult and expensive it will be to get it back. We’ll discuss this factor in greater detail below.

Degree of Damage

The degree of damage your hard drive has sustained will also affect its overall cost. If your laptop was dropped off a building or was run over by a truck and then submerged in water, you should expect to pay more than you would if your hard drive was accidentally knocked off a desk.

On average, the cost of recovering your data from a dead hard drive is variable, depending on the amount of data stored. It could range from $300 to $2,000 or more.


There are many reasons why your hard drive might crash, and it is not clear which is the cause. If it is a hardware issue, you should fix it first, as you don’t want to lose your data. If this is not the case, you can try recovering your data from a crashed hard drive. This can be done with the help of professional data recovery services that specialize in this task. If you choose to recover data from a crashed hard drive yourself, you should look at the cost of recovering your data, as well as the time you will spend on the process and resources required.



RAID failure: 5 tips to protect your data

If you store data on a collection of hard drives, you should be familiar with RAID. You are right. Data is stored on multiple hard drives in order to protect against a failure if one of the devices fails. However, how can you ensure the security of your data? It’s simple: backup your files! If your RAID fails, here are a few tips to keep your data safe.

In layman’s terms, what is a RAID?

Redundant Array of Independent Disks is what RAID stands for. With this system, you can store your data on multiple disks in order to protect yourself in case one of your devices fails. If one hard drive fails, your data is not affected because the data is split into several parts and placed on multiple disks (or drives).

 Tips To Keep Your Data Safe From RAID Data Recovery

  1. Always have a backup
  2. Store the hard drives in a fireproof safe
  3. Download and install anti-virus software
  4. Use an external hard drive to store your data
  5. Use a reliable power source

Plan a backup strategy

Make sure you have a backup plan in place before you use RAID. Prior to using technology, create a plan for backing up your data.

 You can also store your files in cloud storage, such as Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. 

You can now store large amounts of data on an external device for a fraction of the cost of storing it internally with RAID.

Before backing up your data, make sure you have a backup plan in place. The first step is to make sure your drives are properly connected.

You should also regularly back up your hard drives so that if something happens, you can easily restore your data from an external source such as a backup drive or cloud storage.

Invest in an SSD drive (if you want one)

Even if one of the drives fails in a RAID 5 or 6, the data is still vulnerable. The redundant data is stored on other drives.

A SSD drive is your best bet (if you need one) if you want to keep your data safe. In case of failure, this type of drive will keep your data more safe than a traditional hard drive.

Moreover, it uses less power, so your computer will not overheat and shut down during a backup.

To add even more protection, you could also use software like Acronis True Image to back up your data automatically without the need to make backups every time.

Make sure you back up your data

Make sure you have a good backup. You should always back up your data on both an external hard drive and cloud storage. 

Second, back up your data with software. You can do this many ways, including using the Windows built-in backup software or apps like Carbonite.

Third, you need multiple drives for RAID redundancy if you are storing more than one computer’s worth of data.

Use a RAID controller that provides protection against power surges and other types of failures.

We can help you recover your data today!

Has your hard drive crashed? We’ll retrieve your data! We provide the safest, most efficient, and fastest data recovery services in the industry. We use advanced technologies and equipment to minimize downtime while giving you peace of mind about your data.

Contact us now to speak with one of our experts.



4 Different Ways to Perform Data Recovery

One of the most important aspects of a computer is data storage, so many people rely on third-party recovery software.

As technology changes and becomes more advanced, so do our computers. Unfortunately, all it takes is one unfortunate event, and your computer can go from working to not working in seconds. When this happens, you may be left feeling helpless with no idea what to do for data recovery. However, this guide will teach you some different ways to perform data recovery that have been successful time and time again.

Recovering the data from a dead or broken laptop

Due to the way computers are made, there is a slim chance that you can recover all of your data from a dead or broken laptop. However, if the problem lies with the hard drive, chances are even slimmer, but we’ll also explain how to solve that problem.

There are different ways to recover data from a dead or broken laptop. The easiest way is through using an external hard drive. Plugin your slow computer (after you’ve removed it) and drag and drop your files onto the external hard drive.

This will work very well for recovering files on a dead laptop since they won’t be formatted while they’re connected to the computer. This method also works great for recovering information stored on a desktop computer since they’re not formatted while they’re connected to the computer either.

Recovering the data from an external hard drive that doesn’t power on

Automated data recovery services are becoming increasingly common. When you purchase a time-limited subscription to one of these services, they report the status of your data on an hourly or daily basis. This service is useful if you need to recover data from a hard drive that doesn’t power on.

One way to do this is with a third party’s USB recovery software program. However, if you’re interested in using this method, your best bet is to find a reliable company that offers a cloud-based backup service (like Backblaze).

Recovering the data from a broken SSD

The first step in data recovery is to ensure your computer can access the data you want to recover. If you do not have an external hard drive or cannot connect your computer to a USB port, you will need an alternative method of accessing and recovering your data.

One best way is involving professionals who know what they’re doing. You can access affordable data recovery services in NYC today, such as Data Recovery 47.

Recovering the data from software installation files

Maybe you have accidentally deleted some data in your software installation file. That isn’t very good because the data can’t be recovered by just copying and pasting most of the time. The reason is that when you install any software, it will create a folder where all your data are saved. For example, if you have installed an image editing software, it will create a folder named Photoshop or Adobe, and there will be many different files like scripts, CSS, and HTML files. If all these files are deleted from this folder, then your software can’t start up, and neither can you open any of the files because all these files are essential for running the software.

If you have accidentally deleted some or all of these files from the installation folder, don’t worry! You can recover them easily by following a few simple steps below:


  1. Download the software installation file: If you have the original installation file, this is easy. Just download it again and copy all the files to your computer.


  1. Go to your computer’s control panel and open “Folder Options”: This is a very important step because it will help you see all the hidden system files on your computer.


  1. Copy all the data from “Installation Folder” and paste them in “Program Files”: If you have copied all these data in your hard disk, don’t worry, but make sure that you don’t delete any of these files from your hard disk. If you have deleted some of these files, copy them again from their original location (just like you did in the previous step).


  1. Run the software: Now your software will start running again, and you can get back all your important data.

Manhattan Data Recovery

With a massive database of information at our fingertips come countless repercussions, including loss of that same data due to crashes or problems with file systems. When you desperately want your data back and need recovery services, only professional data recovery services can help you. Call Data Recovery 47 today to ensure you do not lose your important data due to errors and crashes.


The Benefits of Cloud Storage

Losing data can be stressful, and it can affect your business’s productivity in the worst case. Most businesses do not maintain backups or use cloud storage, which can be disastrous if something goes wrong.

To maintain business continuity, you will need NYC data recovery services. It is imperative, however, to take security measures as early as possible. Backups and cloud storage are essential, so don’t overlook them.

Cloud Storage Services: Why You Should Consider Them

Today, cloud storage is the most convenient and efficient way to store data online. Several storage service providers have emerged on the internet. A lot of big tech companies own storage facilities that they use to earn some revenue.

In cloud storing, the user stores data remotely, accesses, maintains, manages, and backs up using the internet service.

Cloud data can be accessed from any device provided the permissions are in place. In addition, the data is safe and secure. There are several advantages to cloud storage. Below are a few of them.


Your data is stored across many servers in cloud storage. Despite the failure of one of the centers, the other servers can still manage your data, keeping it safe. It is impossible to lose your data if all the cloud storage centers collapse since there are thousands of them

There are usually multiple copies of data kept by cloud storage vendors. So your data can be backed up even if it is lost or corrupted.

Easy to use and accessible

Cloud services are often user-friendly. Using your online drive is similar to using Google Drive or iDrive from Apple. Using your mobile phone or any other device with internet connectivity, you can quickly recover a file you have saved on your computer drive. No matter where you are.


Using online data storage allows businesses to reduce the cost of internal resources. Data storage does not require an internal workforce. Cloud storage providers handle everything.

Some vendors offer lifetime cloud storage services at an affordable price, which is healthy for individuals and small businesses.


Online transactions are the norm. Viewing your data does not require a flash drive or hard drive. Downloading your data may require an external storage device.

Surfing your data will not take up any space on your device. Even after you make changes, those changes will be reflected in all devices synced with that storage service.

The data stored can, however, be lost. If you live in New York, there are data recovery services available.

Recovery of data in Manhattan

Don’t panic if you live in Manhattan and need data recovery services ! Data Recovery 47 is here to help!

In Manhattan and throughout New York City, we offer all forms of data recovery services. In addition, we have worked with different clients over the years and consistently delivered high-quality services.

Our experts will listen to your story and open a case to monitor and update your progress if you contact us. Furthermore, we offer a free evaluation to ensure a successful data recovery process.

A+BBB certification ensures quality service during the delivery process at Data Recovery 47. Call us today, and we’ll help you get back on track as soon as possible!

How to Protect Against Ransomware: 3 Ways to Ensure Your Business is Safe

Let’s face it. Ransomware can be as scary as it sounds. Unfortunately, hackers continue to take advantage of this technique to lock you out of your devices. And once you fall prey to ransomware, you will end up paying a lot of money to decrypt your files. Something you won’t fancy doing, right?

Meanwhile, being hit with a ransomware attack should not be the end of things for you or your business. You need to know how to recover and prevent future attacks. 

Failure to learn how to protect against this type of high-tech attack exposes your business to high risks of losing millions of dollars. 

Therefore, your organization needs to understand the different ways to protect against ransomware today. Otherwise, you will be prone to becoming victims of one of the worst IT security threats of this age. 

Here are a few ways to help protect your company from a ransomware attack:

Backup is King – Never Underestimate!

A well-created backup is your number one go-to safe option in case you fall victim to an attack. Yes, before you start scratching your head on how to seek affordable data recovery services, a backup will be your readily available fallback plan.

Besides, not knowing how to backup your data correctly is out of the question. With the gradual growth of technology every day, you should be aware that ransomware attackers can easily infiltrate your backup system. They first go through your desktop and eventually find their way into your business or company’s network. 

As such, you have to ensure that you always have secure cloud backups of your data. Alternatively, a local offline storage device can also come in handy — it should be connected to your system directly.

This way, you can rest easy when an attacker demands a huge ransom worth thousands of dollars. Then, whether they choose to lock you off from accessing your data or rather destroy it completely, you know you can rely on your secure backup on another server.

Create Security Awareness in your Organization

Past and recent studies have shown that the weakest point in any organization is the human element. So, of course, if your employees are not trained on the best security practices, they become the most vulnerable factor to be exploited by hackers. 

Security should not be overlooked when budgeting for your business needs. 

Consider investing in security awareness training for your staff. This will help develop a great culture of a vigilant team that easily spots and avoids phishing emails and any malicious links. 

Install Antivirus Firewalls 

We have already mentioned the importance of training your staff on the best security practices. 

 And, to ensure you are well protected against ransomware, you can’t miss installing antivirus firewalls. 

 While there are many different firewalls on the market today, you have to ensure that you only go for the most suitable matches to your needs. Try to factor in your budget and network use when choosing.  

However, remember that none of these firewalls will guarantee 100% safety. Nonetheless, it’s still advisable to have them in place than doing without any. Lastly, never stop training your staff on the importance of having antivirus firewalls turned on every time. 

Final Thoughts

Protection is the very first step to safeguarding your data from malicious attackers. But, if you fall victim to a ransomware attack, you will undoubtedly need a ransomware virus recovery service

 You can always contact our experts for affordable data recovery services and take your protection against ransomware to the next level. 

 We are popularly known to offer the best Manhattan data recovery services. Our work speaks for itself; we don’t interfere. So give us a call today, and let’s know how we can change your story.