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Hard Drive Recovery

5 of the Most Common Ways to Lose Data, and Needing Data Recovery NYC

5 of the Most Common Ways to Lose Data, and Needing Data Recovery NYC

There are many ways that the data or information can be lost from your computer, laptop, external drive, mobile device, and other storage areas and needing data recovery nyc. It always pays to backup your data on a separate source, such as a cloud storage system, but also to have data recovery software available along with the phone number of the nearest, reliable data recovery company.
Here are the five most common means of losing data from your computer, drive, or device and needing data recovery nyc. Some you may be able to prevent and some you cannot, but at least you can identify the source.
Corrupted Software
This is a common occurrence as even the best software can corrupt over time and it shuts down the computer or device. Since it can strike at any time, it is best to frequently save your documents so if it does occur, your work will be saved. Be sure to use any diagnostic utilities with care as they might cause the corruption to occur.
Unexpected Occurrences
There are many natural and man-made causes of data loss that are well beyond your control. Some of these issues include, but are not limited to the following;
Tornados & Hurricanes
Blackouts & Brownouts
You can help avoid some of these issues by backing up your data on a cloud system that is located outside the building you are in. Plus, you should also consider installing a UPS and using another storage device on-site to ensure that your valuable data is protected. External storage systems can save you considerable time and effort in restoring your data if you should lose your computer, laptop, mobile device, or storage system.
Malware and Viruses
Despite the news reports about these causes, they are not as common as you might think. Still, there are viruses that contain spyware which can steal your credit card information and slow down your computer. The best way to combat this is to only visit trusted sites when on the web and to invest in the latest antivirus software.
Either accidentally clicking “Delete” or the “Format” button is one of the more common reasons why data is lost needing data recovery nyc. Another is causing physical damage to the storage devices by dropping them or through accidents. The more you keep your computer and storage devices away from others, the less likely accidents are to occur. Plus, always take care before making decisions to format or delete information.
Malfunction of the Hardware or Software
Arguably the most common cause of losing data, having your hard drive fail or a malfunction in the operating system means you cannot access the files, images, and information from the disk or storage unit. Maintaining a clean environment which reduces the chances of dust or dirt from fouling up the internal systems helps along with a backup power supply to avoid issues with power outages.

File Corruption Recovery

File Corruption Recovery

Unfortunately, it is all too common for someone to record valuable videos or take photographs of events only to lose them  without ever backing up the information on a PC, cloud, or other storage system. Once you have completed videotaping, photographing, or audio recording something that cannot be duplicated again, it is strongly advised that you back up the files to a reliable storage system so that if the worst should occur, they still exist in another place.
For those who have lost photos, video, and documents because of corrupted files, and need file corruption recovery, accidentally deleting them, or the device itself breaking down, you know the frustration of never being able to get the files back and wishing you had backed them up from the beginning. However, there is the option of hiring a data recovery service for file corruption recovery that may get your files back intact. Although there is a cost associated with having the files returned assuming that the service is successful.
Inexpensive Data Recovery Option
There is a system that allows for data recovery at home if you use a PC. Recuva from Pirirform is a free system that can recovery deleted, lost, and even corrupted or damaged files. It may not have the same recovery rate as taking your device to a professional data recovery center, but it does offer a means to attempt to recover
Recuva can be used to recover the files that may otherwise be lost from your camera, camcorder, or other device that you attach to the PC. Of course, the hard drive of your device must be able to attach to your computer through a USB or other connection. The Recuva will detect the files located inside the hard drive of the device and recover what it can. In some cases, the Recuva may identify files as “unrecoverable”, but you should proceed anyway because they files may still be retrieved by the program.
The good news about Recuva is that the software is compatible with Windows XP and above while being free to use. there is even a portable version you can keep with you on a flash drive, phone, or other device and place it on a computer quickly so that you can start the recovery process.
The most obvious tip is to create backup files for everything that you record, from documents to images, audio, video, and more. You can purchase a backup hard drive system that can hold from 1 to 4 TB and use it as your backup storage.
To have the best chances at file corruption recovery, you should stop using the device immediately so that no further damage can take place. The more you keep writing, the greater the danger of losing the files from the hard drive, smartphone, or flash drive system. This means stopping what you are doing and replacing the drive if possible or using another device until you can recover the files with another system.
If you are still unable to recover the files using the Recuva software system, you may take your device to a professional data recovery center. They have the skill, equipment, and expertise to retrieve many files that Recuva may not be able to reach.

Freelance Photographers Nightmare, data recovery service needed

Freelance Photographers Nightmare, data recovery service needed

Hello, I am a freelance photographer and over the past several years I’ve managed to build up a nice business taking photos of weddings, graduations, special events, and even building up a collection of stock photographs. Over the years, I have come to rely on computers to crop, edit, and store the images that I take so they can be delivered to my customers or posted on my website.
However, while I do take some steps to back up the images that I take, there are times in which I overlook that important aspect of my work. In most cases, I transfer the photos to my camera, store them on my computer, and then erase them from my camera. I have both a cloud and flash drive to back up the photos I take but on several occasions, I have let this pass because I was in a hurry or simply not thinking about the consequences.
Not long ago, I took some photos of a graduation ceremony at a small, private school. There were not that many students, but I knew that each photo was just as priceless to their parents. I got home late, transferred the photos to my computer, erased them from my camera, and went to bed so I could start early the next morning editing what I had shot. When I awoke and tried to turn on my computer, it had crashed.
I was petrified at the thought of losing these priceless, irreplaceable photographs, not to mention what the reaction of the parents and students was going to be. After kicking myself for not taking the necessary steps to back them up, I started searching for a computer repair shop. I made a few calls and was recommended Data Recovery 47 a data recovery service as the place to take my computer. I brought in the tower and was assured that they would start the work quickly given my predicament.
The result was better than I could’ve ever hoped. Data Recovery 47 a data recovery service in nyc not only saved all the images I had taken from the school, but all the other information on the computer as well. By the next day, I was back at work all thanks to Data Recovery 47.
First, I was blown away by the speed in which Data Recovery 47 went to work on getting back the images on my crashed computer. While I hoped they would be fast, I was expected based on experience with other computer repair shops that it would take longer than it did. The fact that they got the images I needed quickly and had them backed up as well meant that I could go back to work with confidence.
Plus, I didn’t have to pay an arm or leg for their service. In fact, I was surprised at the low rates charged considering the speed in which they had to work. While I have taken step to ensure that I back up everything I shoot first, it’s great to know that if my computer does crash again, I can take it to the experts at Data Recovery 47 a data recovery service.

SSD versus HDD: Benefits of a Solid State Drive

SSD versus HDD: Benefits of a Solid State Drive

If you are considering choosing hard drive disks (HDD) or solid state drive (SSD), there are important differences that you need to know before making your selection. While HDD has been around for decades and is proven technology, it does have issues that cause many to be concerned about its reliability. SSD products are newer and in some cases, may have limitations, but they also offer advantages over HDDs.
Arguably the main reason SSD systems are better compared to HDD is their enhanced durability. No moving parts means that SSDs are more impact-resistant and tend to breakdown far less compared to HDDs which have moving parts. Even moving around a computer with HDD makes it susceptible to breakdown while solid state drive are far more resilient.
The familiar noise of the HDD computers is not present in SSD systems as there are no disks or parts that move around. This makes SSD systems far better for environments where silence is desired. Plus, the whir, vibrations, and noises of HDD computers can become quite annoying even over a short period.
Solid state drives are far more compact and take up less room than HDD systems because no disk is needed. This is why their systems tend to be smaller or have room for additional storage. Tablets, Ultrabook, and the like enjoy improved operation because of having SSD instead of HDD as their primary systems.
Because SSDs do not contain any mechanical parts, they are inherently faster than HDDs which are discs that spin much like records. Not only is accessing the data from an SSD considerably faster, up to 100 times faster in some cases, the fragmentations that frequently collects on HDD systems is minimized. So, your computer boots up, transfers files, and enjoys greater bandwidth all at a far higher speed compared to HDD.
Again, because there are no mechanical or moving parts, SSD systems consume far less power than their HDD counterparts. A hard disk drive consumes so much power because it must rotate a metal platter that is magnet-coated. So, not only are SSDs more power efficient, they are also far less likely to heat up because of their power use. The reduced threat of overheating makes them safer compared to HDD systems.
However, it is true that SSD systems are more expensive, do not store as much information, and have yet to become commonplace on the market. This is because the reliance on HDD systems is still present as most of the industry still relies on that technology. However, a bigger issue may be the limited write cycles of SSD systems means it wears down over time at a faster rate compared to HDD.
All things considered, SSD systems offer considerable advantages and even the disadvantages are not that bad when you consider the amount of data being stored and written on a typical computer. For those who are looking for greater durability, low power consumption, and faster access, solid state drive are the answer.

How to Avoid Losing Your Data, Hard Drive Recovery.

How to Avoid Losing Your Data, Hard Drive Recovery.

For individuals and businesses, losing data means delays, setbacks, and in some occasions facing a major crisis as critical information is no longer available. While many data recovery centers can get back the information that is lost, it is far better to avoid losing it in the first place. What follows are some simple ways to keep your data and avoid most situations where it can be lost due to a computer crash or other event.

Backing It Up

The easiest and most effective means of never losing your data is backing it up at regular times in places that are outside your main computer system. Keep in mind that cloud systems may become compromised if the server or servers crash, so have another location where your data can be safely stored and backed up regularly so that any loss is minimized.
In addition, making backing up data during the day and before you leave work into a habit means that at worst, the data loss is minimal so that your systems can be restored quickly. Even if your computers need to be replaced, the data is still present and updated so you hardly miss a beat.

Eliminate Power Surges

By using a UPS on all computers, you can prevent power surges which are one of the main reasons computers crash. Adding a UPS means that any power surge that flows through the electrical lines is cut off before it reaches your computer. You will have to restart your computer as a result, but that inconvenience far outweighs having your computer crash.

Proper Storage

The location of your computers and servers plays a strong role in whether they are susceptible to crashing. This means protecting your systems from static electricity that might damage or even erase data needing hard drive recovery. Keeping your computers in a cool, dry place so that condensation does not become a factor, and having a back-up generator or even battery power so that computers can be shut down properly in case of a power outage will help prevent crashing and loss of data.

Updated Security

Use the latest anti-viral software so that your systems are protected from most outside intrusions. Computer viruses can wreck your data needing hard drive recovery and make it difficult to retrieve, so protecting your computers and servers is paramount in preventing data loss.

Hard Drive Recovery

While some crashes come out of the blue, many others have warning signs that the hard drive is about to crash. You can invest in software programs that detect issues with the hard drive and allows you time to prevent the problem before it can crash your computer.
Keep in mind that even if you employ every precaution, there is still the chance that you will not be able to get back your data. This is where a professional data recovery company can help in opening the system and retrieving the information that otherwise would be lost. So, keep the phone number and location of a reputable data recovery company just in case the worst should occur.

Hard drive recovery

FM & Co, Computer Crash, Computer Recovery.

FM & Co, Computer Crash, Computer Recovery.

Data Recovery Success Stories 2

There are numerous success stories when it comes to data recovery NYC residents have experienced over the years. Of course, business data recovery has an equal, if different effect since it not only restores the information previously thought lost, but saves companies from hundreds, if not thousands of dollars or more in making up for the data that is now gone during computer recovery.
One company that benefited considerably from the services of hard drive recovery was FM & Co, a small business like many others that rely on their stored information to conduct their day to day operations. In their case, the information that was lost when their computers crashed carried with it more than just having to deal with their daily efforts.
Losing Client Records
FM & Co. was preparing for their Road Transport Conference when one month out their computers crashed and lost all their client records. Considering that they had already spent $25,000 on the display, that would have been money wasted without the recovery of the records along with the lost opportunity of informing their clients about the Road Transport Conference.
Because the computers had crashed and the contact information was vital to the company for its upcoming conference, the use of free recovery software was not considered the optimal response. Plus, the company itself did not have an IT department, so the options were limited in what they could do. It was not looking good for FM & Co. as they seemingly had no way to access the information, so they called the data recovery expert at Data Recovery 47.

How Data Recovery 47 Helped FM & Co.

The computer recovery efforts by Data Recovery 47 quickly retrieved the lost information and saved the investment made by the company. The information was recovered quickly enough that the client information was used to contact them about the upcoming conference and their display investment was put to good use.
The speed in which the data was recovered made what would have been a disaster into a minor inconvenience that was quickly overcome by FM & Co.

How Hard Drive Recovery Works for Your Business

While it is prudent to have backups for all information stored digitally, sometimes it is not practical or the needs are unexpected. In the case of FM & Co., the data that was lost included contact information which is not shared and needed to be securely maintained. This meant that having backups was problematic for the company as security was the top concern.
Having cloud or other digital backups may not have been the best security choice for the company as security was the utmost concern. Having the best data recovery NYC expert in Data Recovery 47 helped save what otherwise would have been a major hit for the business. It’s little wonder that FM & Co. now keeps the contact information of Data Recover 47 handy so that in case another disaster strikes and need computer recovery, their information  can be recovered quickly once more.

Inside Hard Drive Recover and Instant Recovery

Sometimes called Recovery In Place, this is a function that allows for a snapshot of the data to be made and run on temporary basis in another storage device. This means that if some type of disaster occurs from accidental deletion, breakdown of hard drive, or cyber-attack that compromises the computer or device, an instant recovery in place occurs in which the backed-up data is used on another device.
Instant recovery addresses one of the biggest concerns when data is lost, the time and effort to recover what was on the computer or device. By having all the data readily available on another device or computer, the workloads can be redirected to the backup while the original unit is being addressed. Once the work of data recovery is over and everything has been restored to normal, then the workload can go back to the original device.
You’ll find recovery in place systems mostly used in virtualized environments. However, there are some backup systems like bare metal servers that use this method as well. The time it takes for the backed-up information to kick in will depend on the servers and overall system of data storage that is being used.


The advantage of this system is that those using the information that is temporarily lost will never know that anything has happened since the backup kicked in immediately. The snapshot storage means that whatever they were viewing or working on is still there and they can continue with what they were doing. Once the original has been restored, it goes back and again, the user is unaware that anything has happened.
For this to work properly, the backup hardware will have to be tested and be ready to go. The good news about this form of data recovery is that it does not require identical systems for primary and secondary hardware to work. This makes instant recovery a less expensive form of backup that is perfect when the business or organization uses a cloud-storage appliance which is inexpensive and readily available.

Exceptions to Recovery In Place?

There are other types of data recovery systems available and some may be better suited to your needs compared to instant recovery.
Deduplication: Perfect for backing up a disk, but there are performance problems associated with this method. To make it run faster, additional disk processors or spindles will need to be employed so the transfer is seamless.
Frequent Backups: Recovery in place works best when the data has been backed up within the past half-hour. If the normal backup is less frequent, such as the night before for example, then instant recovery will simply not work.
Expectations: If your customers use all-flash arrays for example and run it on a compressed, deduplicated system, then having a hard drive backup like instant recovery may not be applicable.
A professional evaluation by a data recovery company may provide you with the answers needed in what backup system will work best. However, it should be noted that for many systems, instant recovery offers solid benefits.

A True Nightmare, RAID Failure

A True Nightmare, RAID recovery

If you have lost data on your computer, laptop, mobile device, or other storage system, you will need the services of a data recovery NYC expert to bring back your files, images, video, and other information. There are at least two types of data recovery, standard and RAID. You may have heard about RAID recovery and the benefits that it provides. However, does your device require the services of a RAID data recovery expert and software?
What is RAID?
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is data storage that pulls together different disk drives into a single unit. The purpose of RAID is to provide backups for data and improve the overall performance of the device itself. In a RAID system, the data stored is distributed in several different drives and the level of services provided will be indicated by a number at the end of RAID.
For example, levels above RAID 0 provide protection against potential failures of the drives along with the ability to retrieve information that otherwise might be lost when sector errors occur. The higher the RAID level, the more abilities it has in terms of availability, reliability, capacity, and overall performance of the device.

When RAID Recovery is Needed

The most obvious case for RAID recovery is when there is an actual RAID failure in your device. For example, if you see a RAID controller card that has been visibly damaged and you do not have any replacement on hand, then RAID recovery is a necessity. However, there are other cases when this form of recovery is needed to retrieve data.
Reporting Hard Drive Failure: If the RAID controller does not bring the array online and reports a hard drive failure in a RAID 5 system for example, then you will need this form of recovery to get your information back.
When Standard Recovery Does Not Work: Since the RAID recovery system requires removing the drives from the controlling device, it should only be performed if a standard recovery attempt was not successful. This is usually for cases when the reason for being unable to recover the information is not clear.

When Standard Data Recovery Works

Of course, not all situations require a RAID recovery to get back the data that you want, but identifying which ones will be important so that you get the right services.
No RAID: If there is no RAID, then no RAID recovery is needed.
RAID 1 Failure: It may seem that a failure of a RAID 1 system would require RAID recovery, but the truth is that this is a simple system that only holds or mirrors identical copies of the data being stored. So, you will not need RAID recovery for issues with RAID 1 systems.
Unknown Situation: When it doubt, it is best to start with standard data recovery first. A data recovery expert will often start with standard recovery procedures before going with RAID data recovery if the problem is not fully identified.
Proper RAID data recovery NYC residents and businesses use to get back valuable information is not always necessary, but is often performed when other methods of data recover do not work.


RAID recovery

Data Recovery Success Story, Cell Phone mayhem

Data Recovery Success Story, Cell Phone mayhem

If there is one issue about the convenience of having data on mobile devices is that the convenience is such that most people rarely think about disaster striking. For Sarah, she had saved over two years of photos on her cell without the thought that all the memories might be in danger of being lost if something happened to her phone. The idea of contacting a data recovery NYC expert was arguably the furthest thing from her mind.
Unfortunately, Sarah is one of many people who simply didn’t realize the potential danger that was present when her three-year-old dropped her phone in the bathtub. In a flash, Sarah realized that over two years-worth of memories were now at stake because all the data was on her now damaged phone. Pictures of her children growing up, having birthday parties, special occasions, or just photos of them around the home were now all in danger of being lost forever.
How Data Recovery 47 Helped
In addition to losing her phone, panic set in when Sarah realized that a data recovery expert was going to be needed if she had any chance of having her photos returned. She called Data Recovery 47 and was greeted by the courteous, professional staff that brought reassurance that her photos could be recovered using data recovery. It was an issue that Data Recovery 47 had faced many times before, so the confidence that they relayed was one based on experience. Over the years, Data Recover 47 had helped many people with bringing back data they thought was lost forever.
With the phone in their hands, the data recovery process managed to save every one of Sarah’s photos that she had taken over the past two years. It brought her relief that her memories were still there and would be seen by generations to come. But also, it brought her peace of mind knowing that Data Recovery 47 will be there to help her in the future in case something similar happens.

Why Backing Up Data is Important

When it comes to the photos, images, and information that you store on your smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device, backing up the data by storing it on other systems can minimize the damage caused when the device is rendered useless.
The first step is using backup or storage areas such as Cloud systems that can automatically back up the data when it is created. Or, you can store the information on a separate card or drive so that it can be accessed by another device. That way, if the worst should happen, you will still have access to the files, images, video, and other information on your computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Of course, it pays to have the services of the best data recovery NYC team who is ready to take your call and respond quickly to retrieve your precious memories. When you need the best data recovery expert, call Data Recovery 47 and the professional, courteous staff will listen and provide the answer when your data is lost.

When to Use Data Recovery Software

When to Use Data Recovery Software

There are few things as annoying as losing your data from your computer, laptop, mobile device, or other storage system. When that happens, it is tempting to forego the services of a data recovery expert NYC residents and businesses normally use when this occurs and instead using software systems that provide for hard driver recovery and pulling back the data that was accidentally lost.

The question becomes when to use hard drive recovery NYC software that is found free and available on the internet. The truth is that proper data recovery software can help you recover files that have been accidentally delated, lost through formatting, or if the hard drive itself has been corrupted. There are other circumstances where recovery software can be the first used to retrieve the lost information.

Does Data Recovery Software Really Work?

The answer depends more on the system from which the data needs to be recovered, how the information was lost, and whether the hard drive or other systems have been damaged. There are certain benefits that having the software provides.

Easy to Use: Most software recovery systems of this type are step-by-step which means you need little to no training in using it. All you really need to know is the files that need to be recovered, entering that information, and letting the software do the work.
Location of All Files on Hard Drive: The recovery software that you will find on the internet is good at locating files on the unused hard drive section of your computer or device.
Perfect for Accidentally Deleted Files: The software is best for files that you have accidentally deleted or perhaps lost through formatting when there has been no damage to the hard drive or disk itself.

However, there are limitations that free hard drive recovery software offers, especially when your computer or device breaks down for other reasons.
Cannot Fix Physically Affected Drives: If there is a physical issue with the hard drive, standard data recovery software cannot provide a solution.
No Duplicate Copy: If you do not have a duplicate copy of all the data that was on the hard drive or disk, then you run the risk of permanently losing the data if the software fails to recover it or creates even more issues in the recovery process.

When to Choose a Data Recover Expert NYC?

There are different circumstances for selecting the services of an expert to recover your data instead of using a free software recovery system. However, if you have any doubts that the software will do the job, it is best to hire an expert or professional service to do the work for you.

This is especially true if the computer or device has been physically damaged or the data went missing for reasons other than accidental deletion or formatting. This is because software recovery programs are designed to resolve software issues, not ones that involve potentially damage or disruption of the hard drive itself.
So, if you are looking to recover data from your hard drive that has been lost, consider hiring a data recovery expert NYC residents and businesses use to get their data back.