Computer Recovery – Best Hard Drive Data Recovery NYC Services New York City, NY

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FM & Co, Computer Crash, Computer Recovery.

FM & Co, Computer Crash, Computer Recovery.

Data Recovery Success Stories 2

There are numerous success stories when it comes to data recovery NYC residents have experienced over the years. Of course, business data recovery has an equal, if different effect since it not only restores the information previously thought lost, but saves companies from hundreds, if not thousands of dollars or more in making up for the data that is now gone during computer recovery.
One company that benefited considerably from the services of hard drive recovery was FM & Co, a small business like many others that rely on their stored information to conduct their day to day operations. In their case, the information that was lost when their computers crashed carried with it more than just having to deal with their daily efforts.
Losing Client Records
FM & Co. was preparing for their Road Transport Conference when one month out their computers crashed and lost all their client records. Considering that they had already spent $25,000 on the display, that would have been money wasted without the recovery of the records along with the lost opportunity of informing their clients about the Road Transport Conference.
Because the computers had crashed and the contact information was vital to the company for its upcoming conference, the use of free recovery software was not considered the optimal response. Plus, the company itself did not have an IT department, so the options were limited in what they could do. It was not looking good for FM & Co. as they seemingly had no way to access the information, so they called the data recovery expert at Data Recovery 47.

How Data Recovery 47 Helped FM & Co.

The computer recovery efforts by Data Recovery 47 quickly retrieved the lost information and saved the investment made by the company. The information was recovered quickly enough that the client information was used to contact them about the upcoming conference and their display investment was put to good use.
The speed in which the data was recovered made what would have been a disaster into a minor inconvenience that was quickly overcome by FM & Co.

How Hard Drive Recovery Works for Your Business

While it is prudent to have backups for all information stored digitally, sometimes it is not practical or the needs are unexpected. In the case of FM & Co., the data that was lost included contact information which is not shared and needed to be securely maintained. This meant that having backups was problematic for the company as security was the top concern.
Having cloud or other digital backups may not have been the best security choice for the company as security was the utmost concern. Having the best data recovery NYC expert in Data Recovery 47 helped save what otherwise would have been a major hit for the business. It’s little wonder that FM & Co. now keeps the contact information of Data Recover 47 handy so that in case another disaster strikes and need computer recovery, their information  can be recovered quickly once more.