Data Loss – Best Hard Drive Data Recovery NYC Services New York City, NY

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How To Properly Clean A Hard Drive to Avoid Data Loss

Hard drives are a common source of data loss. They’re used to store your files — music, movies, photos, and more — but they’re also prone to damage. When your computer crashes or you have a hard drive failure, it can be difficult to recover your data if you don’t have a backup.

If your hard drive is failing or if you need to clean up and defragment it before selling it, here are some basic steps for how to properly clean a hard drive so that you can avoid data loss:

Common Hard Drive Problems

When a hard drive is not properly maintained, it can cause problems such as:

Hard drive failure

The most common problem is the failure of one or more components in the hard drive’s mechanical system. When this happens, it’s usually accompanied by clicking noises coming from inside the computer as well as other symptoms such as blue screens, freezes, or crashes.

Data loss

In addition to mechanical failures, there are also other types of data loss that can occur due to human error or malware attacks. If your personal files are deleted accidentally or maliciously by a virus or Trojan horse program, then you may need to use recovery software to get them back again.

Data corruption

Corrupted data can happen when there is a sudden power outage while the computer is writing information onto the hard drive or reading information from it. The main symptom here is that when you try to open certain files for editing in an application like Word or Excel, they might not open properly and could even contain errors in formatting and content.

Hard Drive Not Recognized by Computer

If your computer isn’t recognizing the hard drive in the BIOS or making noises when trying to boot up, it might be time for a new one! If this isn’t the case, try checking if all cables are connected correctly (if you’ve recently changed anything), make sure the jumper settings are correct (if applicable), check if there’s any dust buildup inside the computer case or on your motherboard, and check if any heat sinks are missing screws or bent/broken.


When your computer gets too hot, it can cause your hard drive to crash. If you’re going to be using your computer for long periods of time, make sure it has plenty of ventilation so it doesn’t overheat. If your computer has an internal fan or two, make sure they’re clean and working properly. If there are no internal fans in your machine and it’s starting to overheat, consider buying an external fan that you can place on top or underneath the laptop or desktop case (most laptops don’t have fans inside).

Tips on How to Clean a Hard Drive

1. Delete old files and documents. You don’t need to keep every document from the last five years, so go through your computer’s folders and delete anything you don’t need anymore. That could mean deleting old email messages or documents you no longer need.

2. Uninstall software you no longer use. If you’ve been using software for years but aren’t using it anymore, there’s probably no reason to keep it installed on your computer. Uninstall programs by going into their original installation location — typically in Program Files or Program Files (x86) — and deleting them from there.

3. Clear out temporary files and browser caches. Temporary files build up over time as you use your computer; they include temporary files created by Web browsers when browsing the Internet, as well as many other types of temporary files created by programs running on your PC that get stored in different locations on your hard drive rather than being deleted when they’re not needed anymore.

4. Scanning the entire system

This step involves scanning through all files present on your computer to check if they’re safe to delete or move from their current location. It’s best if you use an antivirus program because these programs scan for viruses and other harmful elements on your system that can cause damage if left unchecked for too long.

What are the signs of HDD failure?

Slow booting up time

If you have noticed that your laptop takes longer than usual to boot up, then this could be an indication that there is something wrong with your hard disk drive. This could be due to an unfinished file or a virus attack on your system. It is best to get in touch with a technician if this problem persists after rebooting several times.

Clicking sound

A clicking sound coming from the hard disk drive may mean that there is something wrong with its read/write head or arm connecting the disk platter with electronic components inside the device. In such cases, it is necessary to get in touch with a technician who can assess the problem and resolve it accordingly.


If your computer freezes or locks up frequently, this could be due to hardware failure. A hardware problem in your computer can cause random lockups and other issues. In other cases, however, the freezing may be caused by software issues or problems with your network connection.

Data Recovery New York City

The best way to clean a hard drive is to use a good drive eraser. This will completely erase all data from your hard drive, as well as the master boot record (MBR). The MBR is located at the beginning of your hard drive and is used by Windows to boot up your computer. When this file is erased, your computer will not be able to recognize that there is a hard drive in the system.

Cleaning your own hard drive can be dangerous and may not completely remove all data from your computer. If you want to ensure that your data is fully removed from your computer, take it to Manhattan data recovery professionals. Our technicians will get all of your data back for you quickly and safely!

Data Recovery: Tips on How to Avoid Data Loss

Computer data is valuable. With the ever-growing amount of data we generate and store, making sure that it remains safe and secure is a challenge for modern technology users. When a computer crashes or file system gets corrupted, your data is at risk. For this reason, it’s important to have regular data backup and data recovery procedures. If you have a running, stable, and well-maintained computer system, you may never need to use a backup. However, if something goes wrong, you’ll be glad that you have a plan in place. Data backup and data recovery are necessary procedures that every computer user should know about. This article provides with some helpful data recovery tips.

Backup your data

Backups are the ultimate solution to prevent data loss. If you back up your data regularly, you can recover your data even if the device is broken or accidentally destroyed. There are lots of backup solutions available in the market today. Some are free, while others are paid. You need to pick a reliable backup solution that is right for you. Windows has built-in backup capabilities, while Mac users can use Time Machine. There are also paid third-party solutions that automatically let you backup your data. You can also manually backup your important files regularly. It is important to note that backing up does not save the data for posterity. It simply copies it from one location to another. It would help if you found a way to protect your information physically. Please keep it in a safe at home or the office.

Regularly perform a backup.

Backing up your data is the first step to preventing data loss, but it is not enough. You need to back up your information regularly. You can set up a schedule to ensure that your data is automatically saved. However, you should back up your data daily or whenever something unexpected happens. There are lots of ways data loss can occur. It is best to be prepared for any of them.

Accidental deletion. This is the most common way data is lost. Files are accidentally deleted because they are removed from the computer or due to system crashes.

Formatting. Another way data is lost by formatting the device. This happens when you accidentally delete a partition on the device or delete something important because of space issues.

Don’t save important files in the cloud.

Cloud storage solutions automatically save data for you. However, if you keep important files in the cloud, you need to be careful. Make sure you back up the files first. Otherwise, if the cloud server fails and the files are lost, you will have no way to get them back. You should also remember that cloud storage solutions are susceptible to viruses and malware attacks, just like the computer. A virus can corrupt the data saved in the cloud, and if you don’t have a backup, you will lose the data.

There are many cloud storage solutions available. Some are free, while others are paid. You need to pick a reliable cloud storage service that is right for you. Here are some solutions you may want to look into: Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, iCloud, Amazon Cloud Drive, and hundreds more.

Use of External Hard Drive Data Recovery

An external hard drive may not be as portable as a smartphone or a tablet, but it is a better way to store large amounts of data. It is also a more secure way to store data than in the cloud. Your external hard drive should be connected to the computer only when using it. It would help if you didn’t keep it connected to the computer all the time to avoid additional power drain. An external hard drive recovery can also be formatted to hold a lot of data. However, make sure you back up the data first.

Use multiple backups

It would help if you had multiple backups of your data. Having at least two backups will ensure that you still have another copy if one backup gets damaged or lost. It is also a good idea to have an extra backup if one of the backups gets damaged or destroyed. You can also have your backups secured in a safe at home or the office to protect against data loss.

Protect your mobile devices

Protecting your mobile devices is essential to keeping your data safe. Make sure you don’t save important data on your mobile devices. Always have a backup of the data on your mobile device so in case the device is damaged or lost, you have a copy of the data. It is also good to get a screen lock for your mobile device. A screen lock makes it more difficult for others to access your data without your permission.


The digital world we live in today is full of information. This information is stored in various computers, laptops, smartphones, cameras, and tablets. The data stored in such devices can be accidentally deleted or formatted. This poses a risk to the data if the device is lost or stolen or if the information is not backed up. To protect your data against such threats, you need to know how to prevent data loss. There are different methods you can adopt to avoid data loss. However, these methods are only effective if you know how to prevent data loss. Data loss is a common occurrence that can happen by chance. However, there are ways you can reduce the likelihood of data loss. Back up your data regularly, perform a backup, don’t save important files in the cloud, use multiple backups, protect your mobile devices, and you will avoid data loss and maintain your data for years to come.



The menace of losing data and what to do about it: the how-to of data recovery

When it comes to the hassles that accompany the joys of the technological era, losing important data which is very common with computers is one nerve-wracking and sometimes very super scary situation.

When the issue of data loss comes up, I personally just feel like my heart is about to give at the moment, which I can bet is the same dreadful feeling most people get when they discover that all their hard work or sensitive information saved on their pc is lost maybe by accidental deletion, accidental formatting of your drive, a viral attack on your device, etc.

After losing data, is data recovery really possible?

Well, when it comes to losing data, a lot of times said data is irrecoverable. But a lot of times also, there are steps you can take which could give you at least a fighting chance at getting said lost data back via a data recovery process.

Below are a few things you can do to help with the data recovery process:

Pause and begin recon

When you suspect that you have lost data from your device, the first thing to do is to stop whatever you were doing and try to remember what exactly you did that resulted in said data loss.  Understanding “the why” of the problem is the first step to fixing it.

Is the data completely lost though?

If you have used tech long enough, you must have been advised to back up important data on your device at some point. And if you have used tech long enough, I am guessing you must have taken that advice at some point.

The next step in the data recovery process is to remember where and then try to find a copy of said lost data you may have backed up somewhere.

Maybe on some other part of your pc, an external hard drive or on another device totally.

This makes the whole data recovery process easier because obviously, you wouldn’t even need to try and recover said data to begin with.

Forget what the internet says, you really need to speak to someone

And nope, I’m not saying you should go see a therapist after the near losing your mind stint when the data loss episode occurred.

There is a bunch of software online and YouTube how-to videos that swear they can turn you into a data recovery expert overnight but trust me, buddy, you need to ignore the virtual messiahs for just this one time and just talk to an actual data recovery expert about your data loss problem.

Trying to DIY the data recovery process is a bad….bad idea my friend and if there was even a little bit of hope of recovering your lost data, trying to wing the process simply is you kissing your only window of data recovery hope goodbye.

I am going to say this one more time my friend, talk to someone who actually gets the 0s and 1s.

Is there something I can really do to help? I am feeling pretty useless right now man.

Believe me, I know the feeling oh too well…………..and even though there is nothing you can do in terms of the actual data recovery process, there is still one thing you can do that is very important.

You can take special care in the packaging of your faulty device to ensure that it stays in top condition to avoid further damage en route to the data recovery expert’s location.

The data recovery expert would give you a better insight on what to do here.