data recovery – Best Hard Drive Data Recovery NYC Services New York City, NY

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How Much Does it Cost to Have Data Recovered from a Hard Drive?

Since hard drives are mechanical devices, they can fail. When they do, they can render all of your data inaccessible. While there are ways to recover data from a failed hard drive — such as using special software or taking the drive apart — these techniques require specialized knowledge and equipment. If you don’t want to risk damaging your hardware or losing any of your information, you may want to hire professional data recovery services.

Can a crashed hard drive be recovered?

If your hard drive has been damaged and cannot boot up properly, it likely means that your data is also corrupted or lost. The good news is that even if your hard drive cannot be booted up anymore, there are still ways in which we can recover your data from it safely without destroying any of its contents while we’re at it.

A crashed hard drive can be recovered through data recovery software or hardware tools such as the RAID system and professional data recovery services.

How much does it cost to have data recovered from a hard drive?

This is a question that many people ask when they suffer a hard drive failure. There are several variables involved when it comes to the cost of data recovery from a hard drive

Some of these variables include:

What kind of damage has been done? Is it just one hard drive or multiple? If multiple drives, did they all fail at the same time? Are they connected to the same computer, or are they external drives?

How much data do you need to be recovered? How much has been lost due to corruption or deletion? Can some files be recovered by using software tools? If not, how much more extensive will the recovery process be?

Where are your files stored? Will they have to be restored onto an entirely new computer, or will they be able to remain on their original host hardware?

If you have a simple mechanical failure such as a failed drive or bad sectors on the disk, then the price should be in the range of $100-$700, depending on the size of the drive and how badly damaged it is. If there is actual physical damage (i.e., liquid damage, broken platters), then we can recover your data for about $300-$1000, depending on how many files were affected by this damage. If your files have been encrypted by ransomware or other malware, recovery will take longer and cost more because we need to use special tools to get at the encrypted data inside your hard drive.

How long does it take for data recovery?

It depends on the nature of the problem, but generally speaking, it takes about 24 hours to recover data from a hard drive.

The time it takes to recover data depends on several factors:

  •     The type of data loss. If you’ve lost all your files, it will take longer than if you’ve just misplaced some files or have them damaged or corrupted.
  •     The size of the drive. Larger drives take longer than smaller ones because they contain more files and folders, which means more work for the recovery software.
  •     The speed of your computer’s processor. The faster your processor is), the quicker your job will be done.

How do I recover my hard drive?

Use file recovery software.

Many file recovery programs available online can help you retrieve lost files from a damaged hard drive. These programs search through the hard drive’s file system, looking for known file types such as documents, photos, and music files so they can be restored without relying solely on their contents being recognizable by name alone. 

Use a different computer to access the drive.

If you have another computer with an available USB port, you can use it to transfer your files from the failing drive to another location. This is often easiest if you’re using Windows. Just plug in the drive and copy all its contents into an external folder on your new computer’s desktop.

Use an external enclosure for secure data storage from your failed hard drive. Some external enclosures allow you to connect both 3.5-inch and 2.5-inch drives, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues. The enclosure should also have a mounting system for mounting directly into a PC chassis, making it easier for users who don’t have access to extra USB ports on their computers.

Use a professional data recovery service.

If your hard drive is experiencing problems, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. If you’re lucky enough to find the problem quickly (such as when your computer blue screens), then there is still hope for recovering your data. However, if you wait too long before contacting a professional recovery service, the chances of successfully recovering your files decrease dramatically.

A reputable data recovery service will have experience in recovering data from all kinds of devices and media formats — including CDs, DVDs, and USB flash drives — and they should be able to help you get back whatever information was stored on your hard drive.

Why choose our data recovery services?

We are a team of professional and experienced engineers who always keep an eye on the latest technologies and techniques. So we can offer you the most up-to-date solutions for your data loss problems. We also have many devices, including the most popular models of hard disk drives, which allow us to work with almost any device.

We have a complete infrastructure that allows us to work efficiently, quickly, and effectively. Our staff includes specialists in various fields: software development, hardware repair, data recovery, etc. In addition, we have many high-quality pieces of equipment that allow us to quickly solve even complex problems with data loss on any media.



Dangers of Ransomware, Data Recovery NYC.

Dangers of Ransomware, what you need to know.

As the world focuses on the dangers of the Coronavirus, the viruses that attack computer systems still present a significant threat. With more people staying at home, it is possible that the number of hack attempts will rise. This is because hackers may see an opportunity to infiltrate home computers and mobile devices to obtain financial and personal information. 

Of the several tools that hackers can use, one of the most sinister is ransomware. This has been growing in popularity in recent years and may explode thanks to more people staying at home and using their personal computing devices. 

What is Ransomware? 

This is a form of malware, a common network worm or computer virus, that is more advanced and structured to encrypt data so the owner cannot access it. Unless the ransom is paid, which often ranges from one to ten Bitcoins depending on the program, it is quite difficult to gain access to the data. Hackers will often put a set time limit for the ransom to be paid. Otherwise, the price goes up or the now encrypted data is destroyed. 

Types of Ransomware

There are several types of ransomware, although the most common are programs that encrypt data. Other types include the following. 

Cryptoware: An encryption program that demands payment to decrypt data 

Locker: This locks down files and demands payment for the data to be released

IoT: Accesses IoT devices to make them inaccessible to the owner. 

Scareware: Infects systems with pop-up messages stating it is infected. When you pay for the antivirus, it removes the pop-up messages 

There is also ransomware that attacks mobile devices such as Android. It locks the smartphone until you pay the money to have it returned. 

How is Ransomware Transmitted?

The methods for transmitting ransomware are similar to standard malware and computer viruses. The most common means are the following. 

Malicious websites

Corrupted links in emails

Downloading files from unknown senders

Outdated and pirated software installations

Free software available for download, including games, screensavers, and the like 

While the most well-known method is accessing PCs that are online, many ransomware attacks are conducted using one or more of the mentioned methods. 

How to Fight Ransomware

The first step is to not pay the ransom. There are ways of dealing with this malware without having to give them your money. 

Identify & Eliminate: There are software programs such as ID Ransomware that can identify the specific malware and recommend recovery options. 

Disconnect Device: If you disconnect early enough, you may be able to stop the ransomware from infiltrating your computer. You will need to disconnect at the first sign of trouble. 

Get Professional Help: If the ransomware has taken hold of your computer, take a photo of the screen and call a Data Recovery NYC company. They may be able to identify the type of ransomware used and help you eliminate the issue. You may have to use data recovery software or take the device to the shop. 

Either way, a professional Data Recovery NYC company can certainly help. It also helps if you backup your data so the information that is seized can still be accessed by another source. 

Data Recovery NYC

Data Recovery NYC

How Long Does Data Recovery Take?

When your computer of mobile device goes down, the first question you might have is how long will the data recovery take? It’s a question that has no simple answer because it depends on a number of factors. What can be said is that effective data recovery NYC residents and business owners want only comes from a professional company that has a sterling reputation for providing the best data recovery services.

The time it takes to recover the data from a damaged or compromised drive will depend on factors that include the following;

Size of Drive

The larger the hard drive, the longer it will take to recover the data that is trapped. This is because the recovery process often requires the cloning of a drive, so the information inside can be properly restored and moved to another storage system.

Also keep in mind the series or model of the hard drive, which may affect how fast the cloning process can take place. Different models have different speeds and other factors that go into how fast the recover process can occur.

Condition of the Hardware

Is the drive physically damaged or is it infected by a virus or malware? This is an important question and one that may not have an obvious answer. It’s possible that a physically damaged drive may be easier to recover the data compared to one infected with a virus or malware. However, if the drive itself is in good condition and the issue is the software, then it often takes less time.

Amount of Data

The more data you have stored, the longer it will take to retrieve. This relates in some ways to the size of the hard drive itself. However, a lot of data on a smaller drive may take more time than a little data on a large drive.

Operating System

The type of operating system or OS used will have an effect on how long the recovery operation will take place. This is because each OS has its own unique characteristics, so it may take longer to boot up or become fully operational compared to other systems. There are other factors as well, but generally speaking the type of OS involved will either add or subtract from the recovery time.


If your computer or device operates in hot or humid environmental conditions, then that may play a role in how long it takes to recover the trapped information.

Basically, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to how long the data recovery NYC can take place. Given the different factors involved, the best way to reduce the time is to find the best professional data recovery service.

If you want the best data recovery NYC residents and business owners can trust, then take your computer or mobile device to the experts. The professionals who can retrieve the data and information from your damaged or compromised computer, mobile device, or digital storage unit have an excellent success rate all for low, affordable prices.

6 Reasons Software Won’t Be Able to Recover Your Data

Data Recovery NYC

The best way to protect information stored on your computer is to back it up on another device. Even the best data recovery techniques and software are no guarantee that you will get your files, documents, images, video, or other information back if the device is damaged or compromised. This is because hard disk failure can happen at any time and often without warning.

What follows are six reasons why even the best data recovery software may not do you any good. Which is why you need the professionals at Data Recovery 47 to help when the worst happens. 


Many common errors may cause damage to your computer. From not installing the OS correctly to modifications in the settings of the system registry, an error in setup may cause a catastrophic failure of your computer. You will need to reboot your computer, identify the error, and make the proper changes.

2.Power Surge

Even with the proper protection, a power surge can damage your hard drive, cause startup failure, and have the system itself not recognize the disk. If you have the proper protection in place, rebooting your computer may work. Otherwise, it will need to be serviced by professionals.

3.Heat Buildup

Dust or debris building up in the vent can easily cause your computer to overheat. The heat itself can cause the disk to warp or crack which leads to a hard drive crash. Standard data recovery software does little good as the problem is a physical one. If you feel your computer heating up or hear clicking sounds, clean out the vent to ensure proper ventilation. Your fan may be malfunctioning as well, so have it checked out.

4.File Corruption

Computer viruses, programs that run too close together, or shutting down the PC the wrong way may cause the files to become corrupt. Such a shutdown may cause your hard drive to become inaccessible. This prevents many software data recovery systems from working to correct the problem. A battery backup will help prevent an improper shutdown along with security software to stop viruses from taking hold.

5.Mechanical Failure

Your computer has moving parts such as the hard drive itself. Anything goes wrong and the system will crash. You’ll see a black screen after it tries to boot, folders and files are no longer accessible, and the system itself will freeze up. The flawed or broken part need to be identified and replaced to restore your computer.

6.Manufacturer or Firmware Flaws

This condition most often happens with newer computers when the hard disk has not been properly tested. Because the flaw is present from the beginning, it usually does not take long before problems arise. The symptoms include the disk itself not being recognized by the system or the system failing to boot properly. The good news is that most warranties will cover such a flaw if you bring the computer in early.

Even the best data recovery software may not save the information trapped on your computer. So, be sure that you back up your information on other sources and use the professional team at data recovery 47 to get back your valuable information.

How Data Encryption Can Effect Your Data Recovery Efforts

How Data Encryption Can Effect Your Data Recovery Efforts

Data recovery naturally is quite complicated and even with the best minds working it, data recovery, isn’t always possible and data encryption makes it worse.

The fascination with data encryption today is quite understandable as there are so many people up to no good and hell-bent on gaining access to your confidential information.

As great as data encryption is, you should consider not encrypting all your data. High risk and sensitive data definitely, but with everything else, it isn’t really necessary.

Typically, when the loss of encrypted data occurs probably due to damage to your device or something, the data recovery process is known to be near impossible.

Data encryption generally converts you encrypted data into code that is only retrievable if you have appropriate access like with a password or code.

Let us say your hard drive gets damaged and you lose data because the key file that was used to create the encryption and its password is now destroyed, recovering your data becomes near impossible

If your hard drive is self-encrypting and decrypting, you face the same problem. If said specialized hard drive gets damaged, it would be impossible to recover lost data

Especially when using self-encrypted devices, you are advised to consider the below options to ensure that you do not lose your data permanently:

Backing up all your relevant data as regularly as possible. With this, you would not require a data recovery process in the first place. This is the easiest and safest way to keep your data safe

Ensuring that you have a copy of your key file saved somewhere secure. You can always fall back to this when your device gets damaged to make the data recovery process easier as it could be impossible in most cases.

Considering using an actual encryption software rather than a self-encrypting device. It is easier to work data recovery when the encryption was done with software that when it was done with a self-encrypting device.

Keep copies of all critical usernames and passwords. Like with having a backup copy of your data and a copy of your key file; this makes the process way easier.

As always, no matter what the reason is for your data loss or if you employed encryption or not, engaging the services of a data recovery expertise is your best bet at successfully recovering all your lost data

We at Data Recovery 47 are experts at recovering encrypted data and are at your service to help you out the best way we can.

The menace of losing data and what to do about it: the how-to of data recovery

When it comes to the hassles that accompany the joys of the technological era, losing important data which is very common with computers is one nerve-wracking and sometimes very super scary situation.

When the issue of data loss comes up, I personally just feel like my heart is about to give at the moment, which I can bet is the same dreadful feeling most people get when they discover that all their hard work or sensitive information saved on their pc is lost maybe by accidental deletion, accidental formatting of your drive, a viral attack on your device, etc.

After losing data, is data recovery really possible?

Well, when it comes to losing data, a lot of times said data is irrecoverable. But a lot of times also, there are steps you can take which could give you at least a fighting chance at getting said lost data back via a data recovery process.

Below are a few things you can do to help with the data recovery process:

Pause and begin recon

When you suspect that you have lost data from your device, the first thing to do is to stop whatever you were doing and try to remember what exactly you did that resulted in said data loss.  Understanding “the why” of the problem is the first step to fixing it.

Is the data completely lost though?

If you have used tech long enough, you must have been advised to back up important data on your device at some point. And if you have used tech long enough, I am guessing you must have taken that advice at some point.

The next step in the data recovery process is to remember where and then try to find a copy of said lost data you may have backed up somewhere.

Maybe on some other part of your pc, an external hard drive or on another device totally.

This makes the whole data recovery process easier because obviously, you wouldn’t even need to try and recover said data to begin with.

Forget what the internet says, you really need to speak to someone

And nope, I’m not saying you should go see a therapist after the near losing your mind stint when the data loss episode occurred.

There is a bunch of software online and YouTube how-to videos that swear they can turn you into a data recovery expert overnight but trust me, buddy, you need to ignore the virtual messiahs for just this one time and just talk to an actual data recovery expert about your data loss problem.

Trying to DIY the data recovery process is a bad….bad idea my friend and if there was even a little bit of hope of recovering your lost data, trying to wing the process simply is you kissing your only window of data recovery hope goodbye.

I am going to say this one more time my friend, talk to someone who actually gets the 0s and 1s.

Is there something I can really do to help? I am feeling pretty useless right now man.

Believe me, I know the feeling oh too well…………..and even though there is nothing you can do in terms of the actual data recovery process, there is still one thing you can do that is very important.

You can take special care in the packaging of your faulty device to ensure that it stays in top condition to avoid further damage en route to the data recovery expert’s location.

The data recovery expert would give you a better insight on what to do here.

All About Hard Drive Data Recovery

Hard drive data recovery 

With so many media storage devices on the market today, it is imperative that any computer owner takes care to learn all about hard drive data recovery including the reason for it’s as well as how to remedy the situation. NO matter what type of computer you happen to own, the chances are very good that you use accessories such as flash drives, hard disk, USB drives, memory stick or even an external zip drive to help you store your information. Learning all about these storage devices and the proper steps to take to secure your information will help you from falling victim to data loss over time.

If you own a computer, then the chances are very good that you have into some sort of damage or data loss at one time or another. Often times, there will be some sort of human error or software malfunction that will make it necessary for hard drive data recovery for your computer. Virus attacks or even hard failure can also be common causes of information loss. Knowing what step to take will help you to hopefully save a decent portion of the information that have stored on your computer.

Hard drive data recovery service- how to choose the right company

Hard drive data recovery service begins with knowing how to find the right professional to get the job done. You could make a mistake by choosing a local computer service because you want the cheapest option for recovering your files. These companies have the best intentions when it comes to getting back your files. They may even have basic understanding of how hard drive data recovery works, but it is unlikely that any of these technicians have ever manually retrieved data from drive. Hard drive data recovery is a highly specialized field. The safety of your hard drive and files depends on you choosing the right company to recover your lost data.

Keep your drive turned off

Keep in mind that hard drive recovery services starts with maintaining the safety of your data first and foremost. The way to make certain your data is safe is to make sure the data does not have a chance to be overwritten. If you are operating a computer that you need to recover data from right away, power it down right now. You may be wondering, “How can I save my files?” turning off your computer is an important step in the data recovery process.

Be obedient to this or else

The next important lesson of hard drive data recovery people constantly do. Here it is. Do not install or run software on the drive that can communicate with the operating system. This can cause your data to be permanently lost. Recovering your files is your goal, right? Stop trying to fix a problem that you don’t know exactly how to do it, especially when it comes to your valuable data.

Compare several hard drive data recovery service providers

Protect your data at all cost. It could also help to contact a few hard drive data recovery service firms to get professional advice about how to solve your problem. You will notice a pattern in the responses you receive. The answer these experts give can help you make an informed decision. Will 

Software is an option? If so, which ones are the best? And if hard drive data recovery service seems to be your best option, what makes them so special?

Putting the information to work

When hard drive data recovery service comes to mind, a lot of people get sticker shock when they hear what the recovery will cost. They also can’t understand why they can’t find a professional company in town. If you live in an area where there is no major hard drive recovery service available to handle the situation. Do not allow them to touch your hard drive unless they know exactly what to do. They should follow all of the safety steps listed above. If they do, then odds of getting back your files are on your side.


If they are unable to recovery your data, your only option at this point is to ship drive to a professional data recovery firm. In the future, consider using a reliable local network data management system so you no longer need to rely on hard drive recovery service to retrieve your files.


Bееріng Hаrd Drіvе, Data Recovery NYC

Beeping Hard Drive? Data Recovery 47 NYC Can Help! 

Beeping and clicking may sound alike. They are, however, very different. Clicking can be commonplace. Beeping is never normal. In fact, it’s bad and serves as a distress signal from your machine that you need to utilize the pros at Data Recovery 47. That beeping likely means that one or more of the moving parts of your hard drive are stuck or cannot move properly. From our experience as New York City’s leader in data recovery, we can tell you that what’s happening is a malfunction with the spindle motor. This motor, which lives inside your hard drive, plays a vital role in your device. It spins the hard disk platter, which contains your data, at thousands of revolutions per minute. Another common culprit is the actuator and a stuck head stack. This is known as stiction. 

Other Than Data Recovery, Who Can I Trust? 

Research has ѕhоwn there are no tуреѕ оr mаkеѕ оf hard disks that are immune to the drеаdеd beeping nоіѕе. Every leading brand of lарtор, dеѕktор, іntеrnаl, external, аnd RAID array dеvісеѕ and drіvеѕ are рrоnе to failures that create the dreaded beeping sound.

Hоwеvеr, it can аlѕо be the mоtоr or ѕріndlе.

If your dаtа is wоrth anything, еасh оf these іnѕtаnсеѕ mеаnѕ trоublе and requires a сlеаn rооm аnd ѕоmе professional help.

There is аlwауѕ a tеmрtаtіоn tо trу tо dо thіѕ уоurѕеlf, аt lеаѕt to open thе drіvе to check іt оut. Dо not fаll into that tеmрtаtіоn. Sо mаnу іndіvіduаlѕ hаvе ruіnеd mаnу beeping еxtеrnаl hаrd drіvеѕ messing аrоund with thіѕ.

Are thеrе ѕресіfіс hаrd dіѕk mаnufасturеrѕ thаt bеер thе most?

Researched have ѕhоwn thаt, there are absolutely no раrtісulаr tуреѕ оr mаkеѕ оf hard disks thаt аrе immune tо the drеаdеd beeping nоіѕе. Lарtор, dеѕktор, іntеrnаl, еxtеrnаl, аnd еvеn RAID array dеvісеѕ аnd drіvеѕ are рrоnе tо failures саuѕіng the beeping sound.

Why Data Recovery 47? 

Data can be compromised or lost any number of ways. It can happen through human error or device failure. The most common forms of data loss are:

  • Accidental Deletion or Unintentional Formatting
  • Corruption of Data
  • Equipment Failure
  • Natural Disaster
  • Physical Damage
  • Power Outage
  • Software Crashes and More

While many computers, mobile phones, tablets and storage devices are robust and well made, every one of them can have the kinds of problems that make your documents, pictures, movies and music inaccessible. If уоu are еxреrіеnсіng a dаtа loss situation, уоu nееd hеlр frоm a ԛuаlіfіеd data recovery company to gеt you back on your fееt. 

Dаtа Rесоvеrу NYC Sеrvісеѕ employes еxреrіеnсеd engineers, has a certified Clаѕѕ 10 ISO 4 Clеаnrооm аnd thе іnduѕtrу’ѕ best data repair fасіlіtіеѕ.  We also invest heavily in research and development tо better deal with complex dаtа rесоvеrу саѕеѕ and tо bе аblе tо recover data frоm nеw ѕtоrаgе mеdіа. Contact Data Recovery 47 today to locate and retrieve your lost data

What A Loud Noise Means Coming From Your Hard Drive, Data Recovery

What A Loud Noise Means Coming From Your Hard Drive, Data Recovery

The idea that loud noises may cause a hard drive to crash may seem a little odd at first, but what is often overlooked is that loud noises often accompany a hard drive crash which makes the situation worse and will need data recovery. In many instances, the noise itself can disrupt the data that is on the disk.
For any individual or business owner interested in protecting the data on their computers, storage systems, and mobile devices, it is imperative that you backup the data at another location and have the services of a reputable data recovery company at your call. When it comes to loud noises, there are certain precautions you can take to lower the risk of data loss.
Keep in mind that most noises, even loud ones, do not necessarily cause the loss of data. However, it is the vibrations that often accompany certain noises, such as those on the lower level of the spectrum, that causes the writing or reading head of the hard drive to move. Such noises, such as an incident back in 2008 when the sounds emanating from a fire suppression system actually caused data to be lost in a computer room, can be quite disconcerting.
There have been other cases, such as in Australia, France, and Romania where fire suppression systems caused noise that reached 130 decibels when inert gasses designed to suppress the fire also damaged hard drive systems because of the vibrations. While much of the data was retrieved, it still took several days of hard work.
Very loud noises, such as those that reach 110 decibels and above, may also cause vibrations that cause hard drives to fail needing data recovery. With the spacing between the data tracks inside the drive being so close, it is easy to have them misaligned because of a sudden, loud noise that causes some vibration. This has become a growing issue with modern hard drive disks that were introduced around a decade ago.
Lower the Noise Around Your Data Recovery
The first step is to identify potential noise-causing sources that may be near your hard drive systems. Especially fire-suppression systems that emit very loud noises during data recovery when in operation. Once you know where the noise may be coming from, you can take basic steps to ensure that your hard drives are protected.
Aim noise creators away from computer systems

Lower the noise from alarm systems

SSDs or tapes for storage data recovery
Place fire extinguisher nozzles close together to reduce noise
Remember to always back up your data at other, secure locations. That way, even if you lose some data due to noise, it will be properly backed up in another place. Calling a professional data recovery NYC company will also help in providing the right guidance that will minimize the damage to hard drive systems. While no amount of prevention may eliminate all data loss, it can be minimized so that only extreme situations may threaten the information that you have stored on your systems.

Hard drive data recovery services New York City Manhattan Bronx Brooklyn Staten Island Harlem Queens

How to Recover Deleted Photos from Your SD Card

How to Recover Deleted Photos from Your SD Card Deleted Photo Recovery

Whether you accidentally deleted the photos you just took or your toddler when on their own photographic adventure starting with deleting your work, recovering the deleted photo recovery entries may not be as difficult as you might think. This is especially true if you have not taken additional photos or put anything else on the SD card.
This is because the delete  command you pressed only marks the space on the memory card for it to be used, it does not actually overwrite the space itself until you add new photos. This means that a simple file recovery utility or program will bring back your photos. If you have a reformatted memory card, you can use a standard format command to get back your deleted photos. You do not want to use a low-level format because it will render the deleted files as not recoverable.
Your Own System
Before you take any action to recover the lost photos, first look at the SD card and the system that may be in place for you to reverse an accidental deletion. You might be surprised to find that your camera or SC card may have a system in place that allows you to recover the information in case it is accidentally deleted.
So, the first step is to go over the system that you have by reading the manual or checking with their website to see if something is in place. You may be surprised to find that there is, allowing you to recover the information. However, you also may find that there isn’t and you’ll need to take the next step.
Obtaining Recovery Software for deleted photo recovery
If you do not have a system in place to recover the lost data, there are a myriad of software recovery programs that you can purchase or download for free. The free recovery programs are perfect for accidental deletions when you have not put anything new on the SD card. A couple of the best include the following;
Recovery Files 2.1
Pandora Recovery 2.1.1
Each program is easy to use and provides a step-by-step process that lets you recover your deleted photo recovery in just a few minutes. Pandora recovers photo and video files with ease and provides a portable version for your mobile phone, although you will have to purchase it.
Other recovery applications include PhotoRec 6.11.3 and Exif Untrasher, which also work to recover photos that have been accidentally deleted. Both versions are relatively simple to use and provide you with the ability to quickly recover photos from deleted photo recover.
If the reason why you have lost photos has something to do with the drive itself, such as the drive crashing or becoming damaged, then you will need professional assistance to get your photos back. This is because standard recovery programs are not designed to pull data from damaged systems. While you might take the chance, it is better to trust a professional team to do the work.




deleted photo recovery