Many businesses have tapped into the world of RAID systems, thanks to their ease of use and safety measures. Moreover, these devices are fault-tolerant, allowing for the primary storage of critical data in any organization setup. And in any case one of the drives fails, you can rest assured that the system will continue working as opposed to other storage systems.
However, RAID systems are not 100% perfect — they can fail or, even worse, be compromised in the least of situations. What do you do next? Can you recover your lost or corrupted data? Yes! Talk to us, and our professionals will be happy to help you re-access your files.
Data Recovery 47 is your number one choice for the best data recovery services in New York City. We take great interest in providing a wide range of data recovery services such as RAID data recovery, ransomware recovery, computer data recovery, and many more.
The most common ways that your RAID system can fail are tied to its hardware, software, applications, and human error. Before you seek RAID data recovery services NYC, make sure you look out for these signs in your RAID system:
These range from malfunctions of the control system, faulty actuators, head crashes to media damage. The most common causes of your RAID system’s failure include:
Ensure you keep tabs on these issues that range from the corruption of files or firmware to re-partition or missing partitions. Others include corruption of directories, failure of the backups, and server registry errors in configuration.
Did you know that the user is the first threat to the security of your RAID system? For example, you can unintentionally delete a file, forget a password(s), or even overwrite your databases. What’s more, you can’t ignore deliberate sabotage by employees.
There are a plethora of ways that can cause harm to your RAID system, including deliberate storage, like a computer virus, and dropping the device on the floor, resulting in its damage. As a result, you won’t manage to access your files.
First up, we always recommend that you take essential steps to help minimize the danger associated with the failure of your RAID system. You can ensure that you keep the RAID system in protected areas, run up-to-date security systems, and even create sustainable backups as your fallback plan in the event of any eventualities.
And should you get stuck at any point, please free to reach out to our experts who specialize in RAID data recovery. This is because RAID systems operate in different ways compared to the standard data storage found on computers.
Failure of your RAID system should not be the end of things for your business. If you don’t have secure backups in place, you can talk to Data Recovery 47 professionals. We have the expertise and quality equipment to help recover your data from the compromised RAID system and restore it for your use.
We have provided the best data recovery services for businesses like yours in New York City and neighboring cities over the years. Our experts are certified and recognized nationally — you know you only get the best services from us.
So, contact us today if you are ready to regain access to your essential files. Don’t be locked out!
How Long Does Data Recovery Take?
When your computer of mobile device goes down, the first question you might have is how long will the data recovery take? It’s a question that has no simple answer because it depends on a number of factors. What can be said is that effective data recovery NYC residents and business owners want only comes from a professional company that has a sterling reputation for providing the best data recovery services.
The time it takes to recover the data from a damaged or compromised drive will depend on factors that include the following;
Size of Drive
The larger the hard drive, the longer it will take to recover the data that is trapped. This is because the recovery process often requires the cloning of a drive, so the information inside can be properly restored and moved to another storage system.
Also keep in mind the series or model of the hard drive, which may affect how fast the cloning process can take place. Different models have different speeds and other factors that go into how fast the recover process can occur.
Condition of the Hardware
Is the drive physically damaged or is it infected by a virus or malware? This is an important question and one that may not have an obvious answer. It’s possible that a physically damaged drive may be easier to recover the data compared to one infected with a virus or malware. However, if the drive itself is in good condition and the issue is the software, then it often takes less time.
Amount of Data
The more data you have stored, the longer it will take to retrieve. This relates in some ways to the size of the hard drive itself. However, a lot of data on a smaller drive may take more time than a little data on a large drive.
Operating System
The type of operating system or OS used will have an effect on how long the recovery operation will take place. This is because each OS has its own unique characteristics, so it may take longer to boot up or become fully operational compared to other systems. There are other factors as well, but generally speaking the type of OS involved will either add or subtract from the recovery time.
If your computer or device operates in hot or humid environmental conditions, then that may play a role in how long it takes to recover the trapped information.
Basically, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to how long the data recovery NYC can take place. Given the different factors involved, the best way to reduce the time is to find the best professional data recovery service.
If you want the best data recovery NYC residents and business owners can trust, then take your computer or mobile device to the experts. The professionals who can retrieve the data and information from your damaged or compromised computer, mobile device, or digital storage unit have an excellent success rate all for low, affordable prices.
RAID 10, also indicated as RAID 1+0, is a RAID configuration that joins disk striping and disk mirroring to protect data. It requires stripes data across mirrored pairs and a minimum of four disks. As long as one disk in every mirrored pair is working, RAID recovery can be done. If two disks in the same mirrored set crash, all data will be lost because there is no parity in the striped sets.
RAID 10 gives redundancy and production and is the best option for I/O-intensive purposes — including web 65+servers, databases, email and performances that require high disk operations– and systems that need little to no downtime.
The high execution of RAID 10, and its capacity to perform multiple write options make it fitted to highly used, mission-critical database servers. Nevertheless, the four-disk minimum specification makes RAID 10 a costly option, and it may be slain for small businesses or consumer use.
The difference between RAID 10 and other RAID
The two-number construction of RAID 10/1+0 is referred to as a nested RAID configuration because it merges two RAID levels to improve the functionality. Other nested RAID levels are 01/0+1, 50/5+0,03/0+3, 100/10+0 and 60/6+0.
While RAID 1+0 is similar to RAID 0+1, the inverted order of the numbers shows the two RAID levels are layered in the reverse order. RAID 1+0 mirrors two drives at a time and then forms a striped set with the pair. RAID 0+1 forms pair stripe and then mirrors them. While the two RAID levels make use of the same number of drives, they are not similar.
According to producer specs and independent benchmarks, RAID 10 gives lower latency and higher throughput other RAID levels, except for RAID 0.
Often RAID 10 is used as a solution to performance issues. While RAID can indeed frequently be the solution you’re searching for, it isn’t a silver bullet. There may be many reasons for performance issues, and RAID is merely the solution to a number of them. See Chapter one for a reference of the performance features of each level. There’s absolutely no reason to use RAID for swap numerous reasons. The kernel itself can stripe interchanging on many devices if you give them the same priority in the \/etc \/fstab file. This set up lets their machine swap at parallel on seven SCSI devices. No need for RAID, since this was a kernel feature for quite long time.
While RAID 1+0 writes to pair disks at a time, it should not be considered a replacement for traditional data backup. If the OS is corrupted, the data on both disks are at risk for corruption, RAID 10 can protect against single drive failures, but a reliable data backup plan should also be in place otherwise you will need RAID recovery.
An additional reason to use RAID 10 for swap is high availability. If you set up a machine to boot on, e.g., a RAID-1 device, the machine ought to be able to survive a disk crash. However, if the system was swapping on a faulty device, you will for sure be going down. Swapping on a RAID-1 apparatus would solve this problem. There was a lot of discussions about whether swap was stable on RAID devices. That is a continuous debate because it depends highly on other aspects of their kernel as well. As of this writing, see swapping on RAID ought to be perfectly stable, you ought to however stress test the system yourself until you’re satisfied with the stability. You may set up RAID at a swap file on a file system on your RAID device, or you may set up a RAID apparatus as a swap partition, as you see fit.
Beeping Hard Drive? Data Recovery 47 NYC Can Help!
Beeping and clicking may sound alike. They are, however, very different. Clicking can be commonplace. Beeping is never normal. In fact, it’s bad and serves as a distress signal from your machine that you need to utilize the pros at Data Recovery 47. That beeping likely means that one or more of the moving parts of your hard drive are stuck or cannot move properly. From our experience as New York City’s leader in data recovery, we can tell you that what’s happening is a malfunction with the spindle motor. This motor, which lives inside your hard drive, plays a vital role in your device. It spins the hard disk platter, which contains your data, at thousands of revolutions per minute. Another common culprit is the actuator and a stuck head stack. This is known as stiction.
Other Than Data Recovery, Who Can I Trust?
Research has ѕhоwn there are no tуреѕ оr mаkеѕ оf hard disks that are immune to the drеаdеd beeping nоіѕе. Every leading brand of lарtор, dеѕktор, іntеrnаl, external, аnd RAID array dеvісеѕ and drіvеѕ are рrоnе to failures that create the dreaded beeping sound.
Hоwеvеr, it can аlѕо be the mоtоr or ѕріndlе.
If your dаtа is wоrth anything, еасh оf these іnѕtаnсеѕ mеаnѕ trоublе and requires a сlеаn rооm аnd ѕоmе professional help.
There is аlwауѕ a tеmрtаtіоn tо trу tо dо thіѕ уоurѕеlf, аt lеаѕt to open thе drіvе to check іt оut. Dо not fаll into that tеmрtаtіоn. Sо mаnу іndіvіduаlѕ hаvе ruіnеd mаnу beeping еxtеrnаl hаrd drіvеѕ messing аrоund with thіѕ.
Are thеrе ѕресіfіс hаrd dіѕk mаnufасturеrѕ thаt bеер thе most?
Researched have ѕhоwn thаt, there are absolutely no раrtісulаr tуреѕ оr mаkеѕ оf hard disks thаt аrе immune tо the drеаdеd beeping nоіѕе. Lарtор, dеѕktор, іntеrnаl, еxtеrnаl, аnd еvеn RAID array dеvісеѕ аnd drіvеѕ are рrоnе tо failures саuѕіng the beeping sound.
Why Data Recovery 47?
Data can be compromised or lost any number of ways. It can happen through human error or device failure. The most common forms of data loss are:
While many computers, mobile phones, tablets and storage devices are robust and well made, every one of them can have the kinds of problems that make your documents, pictures, movies and music inaccessible. If уоu are еxреrіеnсіng a dаtа loss situation, уоu nееd hеlр frоm a ԛuаlіfіеd data recovery company to gеt you back on your fееt.
Dаtа Rесоvеrу NYC Sеrvісеѕ employes еxреrіеnсеd engineers, has a certified Clаѕѕ 10 ISO 4 Clеаnrооm аnd thе іnduѕtrу’ѕ best data repair fасіlіtіеѕ. We also invest heavily in research and development tо better deal with complex dаtа rесоvеrу саѕеѕ and tо bе аblе tо recover data frоm nеw ѕtоrаgе mеdіа. Contact Data Recovery 47 today to locate and retrieve your lost data.
The creative process for filmmakers and video enthusiasts can be an expensive one given the amount of equipment and devices needed to make it all happen and so is camera recovery. One issue that many creators have is traveling with a laptop to back up their video, do the editing, and so forth. A good laptop can be expensive and cumbersome for many who want to edit their work on the fly.
Today, there is a smaller, more portable device that does the work of a full-size laptop, so creators can travel more easily when making and editing footage. It’s called the GNARBOX 2.0 SSD and it just may change the way camera backup systems work.
What is GNARBOX 2.0 SSD?
The hardware found in the GNARBOX 2.0 is quite impressive, a IP-67 certified casing that is water resistant, provides high performance thanks to being as powerful as many laptops, and offer replaceable batteries, so you can take spares along with you during an extended shoot.
This is a device designed to be a backup for content creators who want something smaller, more portable, and more durable than a laptop. This device is not just a storage unit, but a complete system that allows creators to backup and edit their work simply and easily. The box itself is quite small, yet offers a wide range of features that include the following;
Single Touch Backup: No phone or tablet needed thanks to OLED screen
Checksum Verification: Confirms every byte that is transferred
Folder Trees: All preset for easy organization
Fast Transfers: Either 75MB w/SD card or 450MB w/USB-C
By working together, the features of the GNARBOX 2.0 help video creators’ backup and manage their work so you wont need camera recovery. However, this device offers more than just the basics, it also provides helpful apps that make the process even easier to manage.
Mobile Apps
There are four new mobile apps which have been added to the 2.0 version, providing the workspaces needed so you can do more work in the field.
Safekeep: Backs up files
Selects: Prepares video for editing
Sequence: Reviews footage and creates rough cuts
Showcase: View images and video in high-resolution using screen w/HDMI connection
The apps are designed to be easy to use and provide quick access to your footage which enables you to do more and do it faster while on the road.
Is GNARBOX 2.0 the Future?
The answer appears to be yes given the movement away from desktops and laptops and towards mobile devices. The GNARBOX 2.0 offers a combination of great features in a rugged device that is built to be portable and easy to use. it also helps that this device is comparable to laptops that cost upwards of $1,000 or more. This means that you can save a considerable amount and still get the performance that you want time and time again.
For video creators, this device does represent the future as it provides for them everything needed in one small package making camera recovery a thing of the past!
Ransomware is quite popular among cybercriminals who use it t break into computer systems in a similar fashion as viruses and malware that cause data loss. The good news is that there are programs that can protect your computer systems from ransomware, safeguarding your devices so that they are not infiltrated by criminals.
You can purchase such program as standalone products or combined with other protections that help keep your computer free of virus or malware attacks. What follows are a few of the more popular security protection programs designed to stop the latest ransomware attacks.
Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware Tool
This software program can stop ransomware attacks in their tracks to prevent data loss. It can do this because of the way ransomware programs operate by ignoring areas that appear to be infected. Bitdefender uses that quirk to create the appearance that all the computer programs are infected which in turn neutralizes many ransomware programs. However, it does not work on all ransomware, so Bitdefender should be used in conjunction with other programs.
This is a program that uses several methods to prevent ransomware from affecting your computer. It uses the basic technology that is available in all Cybersight anti-ransomware and antivirus products. This includes examining programs that run like known ransomware, analyzing its behavior, and taking the appropriate countermeasures. The good news about this program is that it’s free for both personal and business use.
Cybersight RansomStopper
Similar to Bitdefender, this is an excellent add-on to already existing antivirus programs for your computer system. The Cybersight does not use write-protected folders to counter unknown programs, it instead analyzes your computer to detect programs that run like standard ransomware and then shuts it down. The good news about this software program is that you can use it in conjunction with established antivirus programs on your computer without any conflicting issues. It’s well-suited for business or personal use.
Offered by Trend Micro, this program works well for businesses and personal use. It prevents programs from modifying or changing files in specified folders, but does allow for common program, such as Microsoft office to use them without having to go through the filter. This system operates with the known programs on your computer but does not allow outside programs to affect the files.
While Windows Defender has been around for a while, the new version for Windows 10 offers a controlled access feature designed to stop unauthorized programs from accessing the core of system files on your Windows program. This means that your personal information is protected, and you can designate specific folders to resist access from outside unauthorized programs as well. However, it is not compatible with third-party software, so be aware of this feature.
Of course, the best prevention for data loss is never allowing your programs to be affected by ransomware which holds your information out of reach until you pay the fee. You should install effective anti-ransomware software and be careful about opening any program that you do not know about on your computer.
Hello, I am a freelance photographer and over the past several years I’ve managed to build up a nice business taking photos of weddings, graduations, special events, and even building up a collection of stock photographs. Over the years, I have come to rely on computers to crop, edit, and store the images that I take so they can be delivered to my customers or posted on my website.
However, while I do take some steps to back up the images that I take, there are times in which I overlook that important aspect of my work. In most cases, I transfer the photos to my camera, store them on my computer, and then erase them from my camera. I have both a cloud and flash drive to back up the photos I take but on several occasions, I have let this pass because I was in a hurry or simply not thinking about the consequences.
Not long ago, I took some photos of a graduation ceremony at a small, private school. There were not that many students, but I knew that each photo was just as priceless to their parents. I got home late, transferred the photos to my computer, erased them from my camera, and went to bed so I could start early the next morning editing what I had shot. When I awoke and tried to turn on my computer, it had crashed.
I was petrified at the thought of losing these priceless, irreplaceable photographs, not to mention what the reaction of the parents and students was going to be. After kicking myself for not taking the necessary steps to back them up, I started searching for a computer repair shop. I made a few calls and was recommended Data Recovery 47 a data recovery service as the place to take my computer. I brought in the tower and was assured that they would start the work quickly given my predicament.
The result was better than I could’ve ever hoped. Data Recovery 47 a data recovery service in nyc not only saved all the images I had taken from the school, but all the other information on the computer as well. By the next day, I was back at work all thanks to Data Recovery 47.
First, I was blown away by the speed in which Data Recovery 47 went to work on getting back the images on my crashed computer. While I hoped they would be fast, I was expected based on experience with other computer repair shops that it would take longer than it did. The fact that they got the images I needed quickly and had them backed up as well meant that I could go back to work with confidence.
Plus, I didn’t have to pay an arm or leg for their service. In fact, I was surprised at the low rates charged considering the speed in which they had to work. While I have taken step to ensure that I back up everything I shoot first, it’s great to know that if my computer does crash again, I can take it to the experts at Data Recovery 47 a data recovery service.
If you are considering choosing hard drive disks (HDD) or solid state drive (SSD), there are important differences that you need to know before making your selection. While HDD has been around for decades and is proven technology, it does have issues that cause many to be concerned about its reliability. SSD products are newer and in some cases, may have limitations, but they also offer advantages over HDDs.
Arguably the main reason SSD systems are better compared to HDD is their enhanced durability. No moving parts means that SSDs are more impact-resistant and tend to breakdown far less compared to HDDs which have moving parts. Even moving around a computer with HDD makes it susceptible to breakdown while solid state drive are far more resilient.
The familiar noise of the HDD computers is not present in SSD systems as there are no disks or parts that move around. This makes SSD systems far better for environments where silence is desired. Plus, the whir, vibrations, and noises of HDD computers can become quite annoying even over a short period.
Solid state drives are far more compact and take up less room than HDD systems because no disk is needed. This is why their systems tend to be smaller or have room for additional storage. Tablets, Ultrabook, and the like enjoy improved operation because of having SSD instead of HDD as their primary systems.
Because SSDs do not contain any mechanical parts, they are inherently faster than HDDs which are discs that spin much like records. Not only is accessing the data from an SSD considerably faster, up to 100 times faster in some cases, the fragmentations that frequently collects on HDD systems is minimized. So, your computer boots up, transfers files, and enjoys greater bandwidth all at a far higher speed compared to HDD.
Again, because there are no mechanical or moving parts, SSD systems consume far less power than their HDD counterparts. A hard disk drive consumes so much power because it must rotate a metal platter that is magnet-coated. So, not only are SSDs more power efficient, they are also far less likely to heat up because of their power use. The reduced threat of overheating makes them safer compared to HDD systems.
However, it is true that SSD systems are more expensive, do not store as much information, and have yet to become commonplace on the market. This is because the reliance on HDD systems is still present as most of the industry still relies on that technology. However, a bigger issue may be the limited write cycles of SSD systems means it wears down over time at a faster rate compared to HDD.
All things considered, SSD systems offer considerable advantages and even the disadvantages are not that bad when you consider the amount of data being stored and written on a typical computer. For those who are looking for greater durability, low power consumption, and faster access, solid state drive are the answer.
It’s amazing how often all of us take the devices we use every day for granted. I can say that my laptop was one of them as I used it daily for school and leisure activities. I was a student at Columbia University not long ago when I was completing my PhD dissertation. It was the last major hurdle before getting my degree which represented years of work.
My trusty laptop, which had not let me down in the two years that I owned it, was storing my almost completed dissertation less than a week before I was turn it in. I woke up in the morning and turned on my laptop only to watch it freeze and conk out. I couldn’t believe what was happening as I tried to restart my laptop time and time again, only to see it crash.
When I finally realized that my laptop was not going to start up is when the cold truth hit me. My dissertation, the project that I had worked on for months, was gone. I did not think to back it up or carry it on a flash drive or on the cloud where it at least would be separate from my laptop and I could access it. As I sat stunned and staring at my crashed laptop, I knew that I had to find a way to get my dissertation back and that is where I looked into data recovery.
A friend recommended Data Recovery 47 for our data recovery needs, a company that had helped him a year earlier when his computer had crashed. I took my laptop to Data Recovery 47 with the hope that they could save my dissertation.
The results were even more than I could have expected. Not only was my dissertation saved, it was stored for me in a couple of different ways so I could not lose the information. Plus, my laptop was fixed as well. While it turned out to be a small issue, it was one that might’ve prevented me from turning in my dissertation on time.
I received my dissertation and laptop back the next afternoon and I was charged a reasonable fee for their services. I was most impressed by the prompt, professional way in which they addressed the issues I was facing and even offered some friendly advice on how to back up projects in the future. They were cheerful and reassuring at a time when I felt the whole world was ending.
I cannot recommend Data Recovery 47 enough for the services that they provided in getting my dissertation back. I have now graduated and look back on the experience as a positive one thanks to the courteous data recovery professionals who understood the situation I was facing, moved quickly to retrieve my dissertation, and even discovered the issue that was causing my laptop to crash. They are simply the best and for anyone who has their computer or laptop go down, Data Recovery 47 is the right company to call.