The menace of losing data and what to do about it: the how-to of data recovery – Best Hard Drive Data Recovery NYC Services New York City, NY

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The menace of losing data and what to do about it: the how-to of data recovery

When it comes to the hassles that accompany the joys of the technological era, losing important data which is very common with computers is one nerve-wracking and sometimes very super scary situation.

When the issue of data loss comes up, I personally just feel like my heart is about to give at the moment, which I can bet is the same dreadful feeling most people get when they discover that all their hard work or sensitive information saved on their pc is lost maybe by accidental deletion, accidental formatting of your drive, a viral attack on your device, etc.

After losing data, is data recovery really possible?

Well, when it comes to losing data, a lot of times said data is irrecoverable. But a lot of times also, there are steps you can take which could give you at least a fighting chance at getting said lost data back via a data recovery process.

Below are a few things you can do to help with the data recovery process:

Pause and begin recon

When you suspect that you have lost data from your device, the first thing to do is to stop whatever you were doing and try to remember what exactly you did that resulted in said data loss.  Understanding “the why” of the problem is the first step to fixing it.

Is the data completely lost though?

If you have used tech long enough, you must have been advised to back up important data on your device at some point. And if you have used tech long enough, I am guessing you must have taken that advice at some point.

The next step in the data recovery process is to remember where and then try to find a copy of said lost data you may have backed up somewhere.

Maybe on some other part of your pc, an external hard drive or on another device totally.

This makes the whole data recovery process easier because obviously, you wouldn’t even need to try and recover said data to begin with.

Forget what the internet says, you really need to speak to someone

And nope, I’m not saying you should go see a therapist after the near losing your mind stint when the data loss episode occurred.

There is a bunch of software online and YouTube how-to videos that swear they can turn you into a data recovery expert overnight but trust me, buddy, you need to ignore the virtual messiahs for just this one time and just talk to an actual data recovery expert about your data loss problem.

Trying to DIY the data recovery process is a bad….bad idea my friend and if there was even a little bit of hope of recovering your lost data, trying to wing the process simply is you kissing your only window of data recovery hope goodbye.

I am going to say this one more time my friend, talk to someone who actually gets the 0s and 1s.

Is there something I can really do to help? I am feeling pretty useless right now man.

Believe me, I know the feeling oh too well…………..and even though there is nothing you can do in terms of the actual data recovery process, there is still one thing you can do that is very important.

You can take special care in the packaging of your faulty device to ensure that it stays in top condition to avoid further damage en route to the data recovery expert’s location.

The data recovery expert would give you a better insight on what to do here.