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File Corruption Recovery

File Corruption Recovery

Unfortunately, it is all too common for someone to record valuable videos or take photographs of events only to lose them  without ever backing up the information on a PC, cloud, or other storage system. Once you have completed videotaping, photographing, or audio recording something that cannot be duplicated again, it is strongly advised that you back up the files to a reliable storage system so that if the worst should occur, they still exist in another place.
For those who have lost photos, video, and documents because of corrupted files, and need file corruption recovery, accidentally deleting them, or the device itself breaking down, you know the frustration of never being able to get the files back and wishing you had backed them up from the beginning. However, there is the option of hiring a data recovery service for file corruption recovery that may get your files back intact. Although there is a cost associated with having the files returned assuming that the service is successful.
Inexpensive Data Recovery Option
There is a system that allows for data recovery at home if you use a PC. Recuva from Pirirform is a free system that can recovery deleted, lost, and even corrupted or damaged files. It may not have the same recovery rate as taking your device to a professional data recovery center, but it does offer a means to attempt to recover
Recuva can be used to recover the files that may otherwise be lost from your camera, camcorder, or other device that you attach to the PC. Of course, the hard drive of your device must be able to attach to your computer through a USB or other connection. The Recuva will detect the files located inside the hard drive of the device and recover what it can. In some cases, the Recuva may identify files as “unrecoverable”, but you should proceed anyway because they files may still be retrieved by the program.
The good news about Recuva is that the software is compatible with Windows XP and above while being free to use. there is even a portable version you can keep with you on a flash drive, phone, or other device and place it on a computer quickly so that you can start the recovery process.
The most obvious tip is to create backup files for everything that you record, from documents to images, audio, video, and more. You can purchase a backup hard drive system that can hold from 1 to 4 TB and use it as your backup storage.
To have the best chances at file corruption recovery, you should stop using the device immediately so that no further damage can take place. The more you keep writing, the greater the danger of losing the files from the hard drive, smartphone, or flash drive system. This means stopping what you are doing and replacing the drive if possible or using another device until you can recover the files with another system.
If you are still unable to recover the files using the Recuva software system, you may take your device to a professional data recovery center. They have the skill, equipment, and expertise to retrieve many files that Recuva may not be able to reach.

How to Recover Mac Hard Drive, Mac Hard Drive Recovery

A Mac drive that fails and needs Mac hard drive recovery can be a difficult beast to recover data, unless it has the Time Machine backup application that keeps exact copies of files from the internal systems. However, while the Time Machine application is efficient, it is not foolproof which means you may need to recover the hard drive. The good news is there are four methods you can use to try to gain access to the data if the Mac hard drive fails.
Run FSCK Command
The first method is an attempt to restore the hard drive which will provide access to the information.
Press Command + S: This gets you to Single User Mode
Press Command fsck -fy
FSCK works and shows message “File system was modified”
Rerun fsck -fy which repairs the hard drive
Run FSCK until you see the message “The Volume appears to be OK”
Exit Singer User: Type “Reboot”
Target Disk Mode
If the FSCK Command was unsuccessful, the next attempt should be to use the Target Disk Mode and the key steps necessary to get back your data.
Gather Thunderbolt or Firewire cable
Connect Mac with a working Mac
Start Up the working Mac first, then start up the failed Mac and press “T” as soon as possible
Mac enters Firewire mode, Firewire icon on screen
On working Mac, hard drive icon appears with Firewire icon on top
Double-click hard drive and copy all files over to working Mac
Convert Bad Hard Drive to External Drive
If the Target Disk Mode fails, you can always try to convert the non-working hard drive into an external drive.
Plug out failed internal safely, Buy a drive enclosure
Put failed hard drive into enclosure and properly secure
Connect hard drive to Mac and start accessing the files
Mac hard drive recovery Software
If moving the failed hard drive over to an external drive did not work, you have one choice left before taking it to a professional data recovering company.
Use Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery Software and Connect to failed hard drive
Launch Software, click “Start New Scan” & select failed hard drive for recovery
Select “RAW RECOVERY” and start scan, preview files with scan process
Recover data from failed drive and replace the drive when complete
If this method should fail, you will need to find a reputable professional data recovery company to get the information back. Of course, you should take measures before your hard drive fails by instituting a backup policy that includes using Cloud and other storage systems so that if the worst should occur, you can always have the data copied and ready for use.
The good news is that these four methods are simple, fast, and in most cases, will work when your Mac has crashed. However, even the best methods and preparation may not prevent the loss of data and need Mac hard drive recovery , so be ready to have it backed up and access to a professional data recovery company.

Wedding Photo Disaster, photo recovery

Wedding Photo Disaster, photo recovery

Hello, my name is Jon Wolf and I want to tell you about my experience with Data Recovery 47. I had stored all our wedding photos on a single hard drive which proved to be a big mistake. Like many people, I kept a lot of pictures, videos, and files on a single hard drive without thinking what could happen if it crashed and would need photo recovery. Then one day, my computer did crash and I thought my wife was going to kill me!
I was working on my computer when I started to hear the hard drive failing, a faint, whining sound that told me it was going to go. Before I could begin to move the data, it crashed totally and I thought that all the images, videos, files, and other information was gone for good. At first, I didn’t know where to turn until a friend of mine recommended Data Recover 47.
My buddy told me that his company’s records were saved by Data Recovery 47 which does photo recovery, so I decided to give them a shot at getting back my wedding photos before my wife got even angrier. I called and their friendly staff told me to bring my laptop in so that they could get to work. The entire process was smooth and simple, especially the pricing which was all upfront about what they could do in getting my photos, videos, and other information back.

In just a short time, Data Recovery 47 had retrieved everything off my laptop. I was happy, but it was my wife who started laughing, not crying when she heard that everything was saved. In addition to the wedding photos, all the other information I had on the laptop was saved and I quickly had it duplicated and saved in other locations so that it wouldn’t happen again.
In addition to the fast service, low price, and full recovery of the data on my laptop, I also received excellent advice about how I could avoid having another incident like this one from happening again. While I know that even the best maintenance will not prevent all computers from crashing, making sure that the information is stored in different locations means not having to worry about whether I’ll get it back or not.

I cannot recommend the services of Data Recovery 47 enough. While much of what they do is with companies that need to have their information returned, I was impressed by how they treated me and in getting back my wedding photos. I was treated with respect and my needs were placed just as high as all the other customers I saw who were using their services.
So, if you need to have your photos, files, videos, and other information recovered from a crashed computer, laptop, or other device, Data Recover 47 is the one you should call for photo recovery. They made me and especially my wife happy with the results of their work and now I have the wedding photos stored in different places to prevent losing them ever again.


Photo Recovery

                                  Photo Recovery

How to Choose a Data Recovery Company

How to Choose a Data Recovery Company

There are many data recovery companies that serve the individuals and businesses in your area, but finding the one that is best for your needs means that they offer the right services for a low, affordable price, have excellent customer service, and have built a reputation in the community where people trust them to do the work.
Finding the right data recovery company takes more than just looking over a few websites or relying on a recommendation or two from friends, family, and co-workers. You need to find the company that is best suited to your needs. Here are a few tips that can help you in your search.
Track Record of Success
In the world of data recovery, poor service and expensive prices will not keep them in business for very long. You want to search for a company that has a substantial record of success that dates back at least a few years. In addition, you’ll want to see if their track record includes both businesses and individuals which means that they have the capabilities of serving the needs of both.
Independent customer reviews and associations with respected organizations such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) are also important as they provide insight into the quality of work that is performed.
Does the Work On-Site
Basically, this means that their data recovery efforts are performed at their location. They do not send it out to larger companies to do the work. This means that they are staffed with highly trained technicians, have the equipment necessary to do the work, and can control the schedule so that if you need the information quickly it can be done. So, on-site recovery and repair is a paramount consideration for proper data recovery.
Price Structure
Replacing the parts for hard drives can be expensive depending on the damage that was done. This means that you are looking for a company that has an upfront pricing structure that accounts for the labor and parts so you know what is needed before you pay. While software only recoveries are may be relatively inexpensive, a more serious issue that involves repairing the hard drive is another matter.
So, look for the right pricing structure that avoids surprise or hidden fees in the services they provide. This will help you make the right decision about which company to choose.
Which One to Choose?
Data Recovery 47 checks all the boxes when it comes to being a complete, professional, and affordable recovery service for your needs. They offer the best in services that starts with the highly trained technicians who are skilled in different recovery methods that get your data back intact. The price structure is also upfront and quite affordable so that you know what to expect from the services provided.
If you live in the NYC area and are looking for the best in data recovery, go no further than Data Recover 47 . They have built their reputation on customer satisfaction and seek to improve upon that with every new customer they serve.

What You Should Know about Data Recovery

What You Should Know about Data Recovery

There is far more to data recovery than simply trying to reboot the computer and get the information out of it, before it crashes for good. Companies that store valuable information on their computers are especially vulnerable to crashes which may cost them weeks, months, or even years in terms of the getting back the information that was lost.
There are some things that you will need to know about data recovery so that you can be prepared in case the worst should occur.

Purchase Your Storage Array and Replication Software Together:

While this may sound counterintuitive, it is usually cheaper to buy a good storage array and pay for replication software as part of a package as opposed to purchasing replication software and using your old storage system. You need to buy both at the same time so you get all the latest features and have it secured with a warranty.

Don’t Skimp on Storage:

Basically, look for a data storage vendor who is trustworthy, reliable, and backs up your information so that if your computers crash and you need data recovery, the information is still available. So, avoid the cheap vendors who make big promises, but use unreliable disks or inexpensive equipment to hold your valuable information. You’ll want a vender that offers the following;

* Total Secondary Copy
* Data Encryption
* Failover Capabilities
* Backup and Replication

Keep in mind that you get what you pay for, so be sure it is a reliable service.

Choose a Reliable Carrier:

Getting the right network carrier is very important because your WAN circuits should always be on and functioning. Otherwise, you will not be storing or retrieving your data. The carrier you choose should offer real-time monitoring, troubleshooting, redundant circuits to re-route traffic, and agreements that guarantee availability.

File or Block Storage:

Files use the network connections that already exist so that recovery is easy and cheap to do, although your bandwidth will get eaten up quickly. Block storage uses a separate fiber channel which basically section off your network so that storage does not affect your infrastructure. It can be expensive to go this route, but it will not slow down your network at all if you choose block storage.
You’ll want to consider whether your BC/DR storage IOPS should be as fast as the production environment, which is costlier compared to a slower version. In some cases, slower is better because your needs do not require that type of speed. However, it may be that you want your recovery to be fast, so in that case getting better, faster recovery is required for the continuity of your business.
In the end, the type of storage and data recovery system you choose will dictate just how fast you can get back your data if your computer crashes. For businesses, especially those that keep customer information or have data that must be used every day, getting the right storage and data recovery system is a must for the protection of your company so you can stay in business.

Loud Noise Can Lead to Data Loss on Hard Disks

It may seem incredible at first, but loud noises can make a hard drive fail. While many people are familiar with the loud noises created by hard drives that are failing, relatively few realize that the noise itself may cause data loss.
Backing up all data on a hard drive is essential for preservation and calling a professional data recover NYC service is needed to help ensure that what is on the hard drive can be recovered. It is important to understand how noise was discovered to be an issue with hard drive systems.

Discovery of Noise

It’s true that most noises will not cause you to call a hard drive recovery service, such as playing music over the speaker. However, many loud noises, especially those that create vibrations will cause the writing or reading head of the hard drive to jump a little. However, the noise created by an inert gas fire suppression system in 2008 did cause the hard drives in the same room to fail over time.
When the hard drives started failing, the data recover service believed at first it was because of the inert gas itself which was released into the room. However, further examination caused them to conclude that it was the noise, not the inert gas that caused the hard drives to crash.
Further examination has revealed that noise at 110 dB and above may create issues with hard drives and eventually cause their failure. This is because of the tight spacing of the data tracks inside modern hard disks of 250,000 per inch. It doesn’t take much to cause a misalignment in which sound vibrations at high decibels can cause. Such failures have been occurring since the introduction of the modern hard drive disk in the later part of the 2000s.
Other incidents include cases in France, Australia, and recently in Romania where a fire suppression system generated up to 130 dB of noise when emitting inert gas from the nozzles. The result was that the bank’s computers lost their hard drives due to the misalignment that was caused. The repairs took several days to complete before the information on the hard drives could be retrieved from data loss.

Protection Against Noise

Since inert gas fire extinguishers are a part of many data centers, finding ways to protect the hard drives from the noise means taking some extra steps. You can employ a hard drive recovery service as part of your methods for protecting your equipment.

* Use Noise-Proof Racks to Hold Hard Drives
* Muffle the Alarm
* Use Tape or SSDs for Storage
* Install More Nozzles and Place Close Together to Reduce Noise
* Aim Siren and Gas Nozzles Away from Hard Drives
* Back Up All Data in Separate Locations

You’ll need the assistance of a professional data recovery NYC company that provides additional protection for your hard drives. If all else fails, the backups you create and the data recovery services they provide offers maximum protection for the information the hard drives store for your business.

Data Recovery Success Story, Cell Phone mayhem

Data Recovery Success Story, Cell Phone mayhem

If there is one issue about the convenience of having data on mobile devices is that the convenience is such that most people rarely think about disaster striking. For Sarah, she had saved over two years of photos on her cell without the thought that all the memories might be in danger of being lost if something happened to her phone. The idea of contacting a data recovery NYC expert was arguably the furthest thing from her mind.
Unfortunately, Sarah is one of many people who simply didn’t realize the potential danger that was present when her three-year-old dropped her phone in the bathtub. In a flash, Sarah realized that over two years-worth of memories were now at stake because all the data was on her now damaged phone. Pictures of her children growing up, having birthday parties, special occasions, or just photos of them around the home were now all in danger of being lost forever.
How Data Recovery 47 Helped
In addition to losing her phone, panic set in when Sarah realized that a data recovery expert was going to be needed if she had any chance of having her photos returned. She called Data Recovery 47 and was greeted by the courteous, professional staff that brought reassurance that her photos could be recovered using data recovery. It was an issue that Data Recovery 47 had faced many times before, so the confidence that they relayed was one based on experience. Over the years, Data Recover 47 had helped many people with bringing back data they thought was lost forever.
With the phone in their hands, the data recovery process managed to save every one of Sarah’s photos that she had taken over the past two years. It brought her relief that her memories were still there and would be seen by generations to come. But also, it brought her peace of mind knowing that Data Recovery 47 will be there to help her in the future in case something similar happens.

Why Backing Up Data is Important

When it comes to the photos, images, and information that you store on your smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device, backing up the data by storing it on other systems can minimize the damage caused when the device is rendered useless.
The first step is using backup or storage areas such as Cloud systems that can automatically back up the data when it is created. Or, you can store the information on a separate card or drive so that it can be accessed by another device. That way, if the worst should happen, you will still have access to the files, images, video, and other information on your computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Of course, it pays to have the services of the best data recovery NYC team who is ready to take your call and respond quickly to retrieve your precious memories. When you need the best data recovery expert, call Data Recovery 47 and the professional, courteous staff will listen and provide the answer when your data is lost.

When to Use Data Recovery Software

When to Use Data Recovery Software

There are few things as annoying as losing your data from your computer, laptop, mobile device, or other storage system. When that happens, it is tempting to forego the services of a data recovery expert NYC residents and businesses normally use when this occurs and instead using software systems that provide for hard driver recovery and pulling back the data that was accidentally lost.

The question becomes when to use hard drive recovery NYC software that is found free and available on the internet. The truth is that proper data recovery software can help you recover files that have been accidentally delated, lost through formatting, or if the hard drive itself has been corrupted. There are other circumstances where recovery software can be the first used to retrieve the lost information.

Does Data Recovery Software Really Work?

The answer depends more on the system from which the data needs to be recovered, how the information was lost, and whether the hard drive or other systems have been damaged. There are certain benefits that having the software provides.

Easy to Use: Most software recovery systems of this type are step-by-step which means you need little to no training in using it. All you really need to know is the files that need to be recovered, entering that information, and letting the software do the work.
Location of All Files on Hard Drive: The recovery software that you will find on the internet is good at locating files on the unused hard drive section of your computer or device.
Perfect for Accidentally Deleted Files: The software is best for files that you have accidentally deleted or perhaps lost through formatting when there has been no damage to the hard drive or disk itself.

However, there are limitations that free hard drive recovery software offers, especially when your computer or device breaks down for other reasons.
Cannot Fix Physically Affected Drives: If there is a physical issue with the hard drive, standard data recovery software cannot provide a solution.
No Duplicate Copy: If you do not have a duplicate copy of all the data that was on the hard drive or disk, then you run the risk of permanently losing the data if the software fails to recover it or creates even more issues in the recovery process.

When to Choose a Data Recover Expert NYC?

There are different circumstances for selecting the services of an expert to recover your data instead of using a free software recovery system. However, if you have any doubts that the software will do the job, it is best to hire an expert or professional service to do the work for you.

This is especially true if the computer or device has been physically damaged or the data went missing for reasons other than accidental deletion or formatting. This is because software recovery programs are designed to resolve software issues, not ones that involve potentially damage or disruption of the hard drive itself.
So, if you are looking to recover data from your hard drive that has been lost, consider hiring a data recovery expert NYC residents and businesses use to get their data back.